LAM 880-12537-101 控制器

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LAM 880-12537-101 控制器






监视器(维修)维修工具将提供从维修模式随时监视控制值的功能。查看和监控这些参数不仅限于关闭状态,而且可以随时使用。监控可用于但不限于以下参数:电子设备温度和温度直方图报警和停机(单个)报警/停机事件日志位置控制信息(包括实际位置、电流、需求)状态和I/O监控工厂校准、测试和调试模式工厂校准、试验,880-12537-101和调试使用Woodward Watch Window Professional工具执行。工厂校准模式在软件中执行模拟输入和模拟输出硬件校准(校准电阻器公差)。这包括模拟I/O的校准(4 mA至20 mA输入,20 mA至180 mA输入,4 mA至20mA输出,反馈传感器,电流传感器)。880-12537-101该装置将所有硬件校准参数存储在非易失性存储器中,并保持独立于应用软件的校准。测试模式读取输入并提供练习输出的能力。“调试”模式提供了用于监视和故障排除的附加参数。维修工具的密码保护配置、测试、用户停止和校准模式都提供密码保护。这意味着对程序和参数调整/校准的更改受密码保护。密码是一个简单的“关键字”密码,它是固定的,不能更改。


此密码仅用于防止无意中更改ProAct执行器。此密码仅用于进行更改(写入),程序监视不需要密码。监测包括查看可配置参数、880-12537-101可调参数、报警和停机条件以及控制参数监测。编程-/下载维修工具能够将当前应用程序参数设置保存到文件中。它还可以获取以前保存的文件并将其加载到ProAct中。如果加载了以前保存的程序,则不需要进行配置和调整。这显然简化了启动和运行新ProAct执行器所需的步骤。如何开始?入门所需的步骤包括:880-12537-101 按照本章后面所述的安装步骤安装维修工具(观察窗口/Servlink)软件。 配置装置(见第9章)或下载之前保存的配置文件。

 在ProAct执行机构安装、安装、接线、连接至阀门以及正确检查安装和接线后(第2章和第3章),校准用户停止装置并检查动态调整(见第9章中的调整用户停止装置和调整和测试执行机构动态)。880-12537-101可以选择微调应用程序参数(请参阅第9章中的服务模式参数)。


880-12537-101The Configure mode provides general overall application information for the driver. Since this actuator can be used in a variety of field applications, the application-specific details are entered into the unit using the Configure mode. Configurable parameters include actuator direction (CW/CCW) and primary/backup demand sources. The Service Tool provides the capability to make configurable parameter adjustments when the unit is shut down. 880-12537-101CAN will provide the capability to make Configurable Parameter adjustments to a limited subset of parameters when the unit is shut down. The unit must be shut down to adjust configuration parameters. Configuration parameters can be monitored at any time. The unit does not need to be shut down for configurable parameter monitoring. 880-12537-101The ProAct actuator will do nothing—the current to the actuator controller will remain off—until it has a valid configuration.


The User Stops (also referred to as Rigging or User Calibration) mode of the Service Tool provides the capability to set the min and max position to match the rigging of the actuator and valve. Both automatic and manual procedures are available to perform this setup. 880-12537-101This calibration must be done prior to operation of the unit. Once performed, this procedure stores the active min and max positions into non-volatile memory where it is retained until a new calibration is performed (manual or automatic).880-12537-101 Also available in this mode is the capability to adjust and test the actuator inertia dynamics setting.

Tuning/Adjustments (Service) The Service Tool provides the capability to make field tunable adjustments at any time from the Service Mode. A change to these parameters is not limited to a shutdown state (Note: the engine most likely is shut down during this time). 880-12537-101Tunable adjustments are available for parameters like input failure settings, position error setting, and tracking error settings.