LAM 890-14443-101 自动化控制模块
安装步骤使用CD或Disk 1上的安装程序安装890-14443-101服务器软件。或者,也可以从890-14443-101网站下载并安装890-14443-101软件,890-14443-101,在ProAct控件上的9针连接器和计算机上未使用的串行端口之间连接一根零调制解调器通信电缆。在您的计算机上启动Servlink通信服务器程序(890-14443-101)。执行程序时显示以下内容
监视窗口提供了一种将应用软件加载到装置中、关闭装置并将其置于配置模式、将值保存在EEPROM中以及重置控制的方法。应用程序可调值可以上载、下载并保存到文件中。目的观察窗口是一种工程和故障排除工具,为控制系统提供一个窗口。Watch Window是支持Servlink协议的890-14443-101控件的主要故障排除工具。890-14443-101在通过串行通信端口连接到控制系统的PC上运行。工程工作站PC可以永久连接到控制装置,也可以仅在需要时连接。通信服务器Servlink I/O server包含在与监视窗口相同的安装中。890-14443-101典型的890-14443-101®应用程序,它提供了强大而直观的界面。890-14443-101用户熟悉菜单结构。通过资源管理器窗口提供变量导航,类似于890-14443-101中的资源管理器。监视窗口执行三个主要功能:监视和调整控制变量--监视窗口以表格格式显示变量。用户在任何给定时间选择要查看的变量。
Monitor (Service) The Service Tool will provide the capability to monitor control values at any time from the Service mode. Viewing and monitoring these parameters is not limited to a shutdown state, but is available at any time. Monitoring is available for, but not limited to, the following parameters: Electronics Temperature and Temperature Histogram Alarms and Shutdowns (individual) Alarm/Shutdown Event Log Position Control information (including actual position, current, demands) Status and I/O monitoring Factory Calibration, Test, and Debug Modes The Factory Calibration,890-14443-101 Testing, and Debugging are performed using the Woodward Watch Window Professional tool. The Factory Calibration mode performs analog input and analog output hardware calibration in software (calibrate out resistor tolerances). This includes calibration of Analog I/O (4 mA to 20 mA input, 20 mA to 180 mA input, 4 mA to 20 mA Output, Feedback sensor, Current sensor).890-14443-101 The unit will store all hardware calibration parameters in nonvolatile memory and retain the calibration independent of the application software. The Test mode reads inputs and provides the capability to exercise the outputs.
The Debug mode provides additional parameters for monitoring and troubleshooting. Password Protection for Service Tool The Configure, Test, User Stops, and Calibration modes are all provided with password protection. This means that changes to the program and parameter tuning/calibration are password protected.890-14443-101 The password is a simple 'keyword' password that is fixed and cannot be changed. This password is intended only to prevent inadvertent changes to the ProAct actuator. This password is only required to make changes (writes), program monitoring does not require a password. 890-14443-101Monitoring includes viewing configurable parameters, tunable parameters, alarm and shutdown conditions, and control parameter monitoring. Program Up-/Downloading The Service Tool has the capability to save the current application parameter settings to a file. It can also take a previously saved file and load it into the ProAct. If a previously saved program is loaded, configuration and tuning are not necessary. This obviously simplifies the steps required to get a new ProAct actuator up and running. How Do I Get Started? The steps required to get started include: ·890-14443-101 Install the Service Tool (Watch Window/Servlink) software following the installation steps described later in this chapter.