LAM 890-14443-101 自动化控制模块
如果装置的配置出现错误,XVME-530(配置错误)关闭将使驱动器处于关闭状态。配置错误的确切原因在配置模式选项卡页上确定(请参阅配置错误部分)。XVME-530配置错误配置完成后,将执行有效性检查。如果检测到错误,将发出Config error(配置错误)停机,并且在清除之前,机组不会运行。配置错误的原因可以从配置模式选项卡页上的错误代码和错误信息值中确定。错误代码错误信息(显示文本)0配置中没有错误101主/备用信号选择相同(主需求和备用需求配置为同一源)102主需求信号选择无效(主需求选择配置为超出范围的值)103备用需求信号选择无效(备用需求选择配置为超出范围值)104执行机构惯性设置值过大(执行机构惯性设定选择配置为超过范围值)XVME-530无效执行机构类型选择(执行机构类型配置为超出范围值)
Watch Window is a typical Microsoft WindowsXVME-530 application that provides a powerful and intuitive interface. The menu structures are familiar to Windows users. Variable navigation is provided through the Explorer window similar to the Explorer in Windows. Watch Window performs three primary functions: Monitoring and Tuning of Control Variables—Watch Window presents variables in a tabular format. The user chooses the variables to view at any given time. Multiple pages of variables can be created, each with useful parameters for various troubleshooting or tuning procedures. The user can toggle between pages depending on the task being performed.XVME-530 Control Configuration and Set Point Management—Watch Window can upload or download all tunable variables from the control system. This feature allows a userXVME-530 (e.g., fleet owner, distributor, packager) to upload (and save) all tunable parameters from one control and download the same settings to other controls for similar engine configurations.XVME-530 Program Loading—Watch Window provides services to download a new program to the control. This is available in the Professional version only.
Watch Window provides a means of loading the application software into the unit, shutting down and placing the unit in the configuration mode, saving values in the EEPROM, and resetting the control. XVME-530Application tunable values can be uploaded, downloaded, and saved to a file. Purpose Watch Window is an engineering and troubleshooting tool that provides a window into the control system. Watch Window is the primary troubleshooting tool for Woodward controls that support the Servlink protocol.XVME-530 Watch Window runs on a PC that is connected to the control system through a serial communications port. The Engineering work station PC may be permanently connected to the control or may be connected only as needed.XVME-530 The communications server, Servlink I/O Server, is included in the same installation with Watch Window.