LAM 890-14443-101 自动化控制模块
XVME-560 70560-001配置中的错误将不允许执行机构运行,并将导致配置错误停机。错误代码解释(与下面的错误信息相同)0配置中没有错误101主/备用信号选择相同102无效主需求信号选择103无效备用需求信号选择104执行器惯性设置值太大105无效执行器类型选择106无效PwmIn最大/分占空值107无效XVME-560 70560-001最大/分值108 CAN扩展必须为非零错误信息(仅状态指示)配置状态的字符串指示(另请参阅错误代码)。配置中的错误将不允许执行机构运行,并将导致配置错误停机(请参阅停机信息)。关闭命令dflt=false(false,true)RS-232命令,关闭执行器驱动器。请参阅停机。配置:机组设置机组设置类别设置关键的执行机构和控制器信息。XVME-560 70560-001在维修模式下可获得其他执行机构参数(请参阅“硬件调整”)。
XVME-560 70560-001配置模式的密码输入命令。要输入值,请突出显示或删除默认值(“0”),然后使用键盘输入数字密码。当按下回车键或选择输入右侧的等号时,接受输入。输入后,XVME-560 70560-001密码将返回零。如果接受并关闭装置,“启用”指示将为真。有关维修工具密码,请参阅附录。已启用(仅状态指示)配置模式已启用指示(真/假)。启用模式时,参数为true–这表示可以更改配置模式参数。如果为false,则只能查看参数,而不能进行调整。退出dflt=false(仅限瞬时真命令)退出命令。设置为true可退出配置模式。XVME-560 70560-001这将禁用在此模式下更改参数的功能。“退出”参数在退出完成后自动返回false。错误代码(仅状态指示)配置状态的整数指示(另请参阅错误信息)。
XVME-560 70560-001The user has the ability to add and remove sheets using menu items and/or tool bar buttons in the Main Window. One or more variables can be selected using the mouse (left click) or keyboard (arrow keys). If the user wishes to select multiple variables, they can do so by performing one of these sequences: Manual 26112 ProAct Digital Plus Woodward 65 Select a variable, hold down the shift key, and arrow up or down until all of the variables are selected. Click on a variable, hold down the shift key, and click on the last variable in the series that the user wishes to select.XVME-560 70560-001 Selected variables can be used in Cut,XVME-560 70560-001 Copy & Paste, or Drag & Drop operations in order to add a variable to an Inspector. If the selected variable is tunable or configurable, the status bar will display the minimum and maximum value for that variable. If multiple variables are selected, the minimum and maximum will not be displayed for any of the selected variables. The Inspector has a pop-up menu that has menu items that apply to the currently selected sheet and/or variable.
The sheet's tab is labeled with the associated control's identifier. Each sheet contains a tree view. The tree view displays the names of the categories and blocks in a control's application program in a hierarchical structure. The names at each level in the tree are listed in alphabetical order.XVME-560 70560-001
Selected variables can be used in Copy & Paste or Drag & Drop operations in order to add a variable to an Inspector. XVME-560 70560-001Variables can be selected using the mouse (left click) or keyboard (arrow keys). Selecting categories or blocks selects all of the fields underneath them.XVME-560 70560-001 Inspector The Inspector is used to monitor and edit variables available on the control. The Inspector is composed of a set of tabbed sheets. Each sheet contains a grid. Each sheet's tab is labeled with a user-definable name.
Watch Window User Interface The Watch Window user interface is made up of three types of windows: XVME-560 70560-001the Main Window the Explorer the Inspector All Watch Window applications have only one main window and one Explorer window. Each application can have as many Inspector windows as the user likes. Main Window The Main Window is the application-controlling window.XVME-560 70560-001 It is used to close the application. It is also used to control the Explorer's visibility and to create, control, save and restore Inspectors. The Main Window is composed of a tool bar and a menu. Explorer The Explorer is used to browse the set of variables available through the Servlink Server,XVME-560 70560-001 invoke commands on a control and view properties of a control. The Explorer is composed of a set of tabbed sheets. Each sheet is associated with a single control from a Servlink network.