LAM 605-707109-002 半导体板
605-707109-002频率(Hz)dflt 1000 Hz(100–3000)标称PWM信号频率(赫兹)。PwmIn Invert Input Signal dflt=false(false,true)Invert PWM Signal(反相PWM信号)选项。此配置设置适用于605-707109-002输出中没有上拉的系统(有关详细信息,请参阅硬件PWM部分)。此设置反转PWM输入值以读取时间低的百分比,而不是时间高的百分比。调整用户停止和动力学简介维修工具的用户校准模式提供了设置最小和最大位置的功能,以匹配致动器和阀门的索具。自动和手动程序都可用于执行此设置。此校准必须在装置运行之前完成。如果不执行此程序,执行机构将默认为(0到100)%的位置需求将对应0到75度的旋转。605-707109-002。一旦执行了用户校准,此程序将活动的最小和最大位置存储到非易失性存储器中,在执行新的校准之前,该位置一直保留。此外,此模式可用于通过提供手动冲程机构来验证设置/校准。
Temp Protect Enable dflt =true (false, true) Temperature Protection Configuration. This enables current limiting based on temperature and is a combination of temperature protection and compensation. 605-707109-002When set to true (recommended), protection is provided to limit the drive current output when the internal actuator temperature exceeds the absolute failure levels. When set to false, this protection is bypassed. An alarm is logged when absolute failure protection temperature limiting is active. 605-707109-002The same algorithm not only limits the current at very high temperatures, but allows additional current at very low temperatures as well (refer to Current Limiting based on Temperature description in Chapter 5). Configure: Demand Setup The Demand Setup sets the ProAct control’s primary and backup demands.605-707109-002 Refer to Figure 9-3. Additional demand parameters are available in the Adjustments Mode.
When set to false, the condition of the Run Enable (Low Power Standby Mode) contacts will not affect the Status Output. Run Enable – Closed to Run dflt=true (false, true) (This parameter only available with ProAct Software Version 2.20 special firmware Woodward part number 5418-2590) 605-707109-002(Check the version number under Service: Unit Status:) When set to true, the run enable contacts will be closed for run mode, and open for Low Power Standby Mode. When set to false, the run enable contacts will be open for run mode, and closed for Low Power Standby Mode. Shutdown Action dflt = 3 (1,3) Select the action to be performed when a shutdown condition is detected. Selection options: 1=Min, 2=Max, 3=Pwr Down. (refer to Shutdown description TBD).605-707109-002 Temp Alarm SP (°C) dflt = 95 °C (50, 150) High Temperature Alarm set point in degrees Celsius. This alarm is based on the internal electronics temperature.605-707109-002 Refer to the alarms section for details. Temp Alarm Delay (sec) dflt = 1 sec (0, 10) High temperature alarm delay in seconds.
Actuator Type dflt = 3 (1=ProAct1, 2=ProAct2, … 4=ProAct4) ProAct Actuator Type configuration. This is set to the appropriate ProAct actuator (e.g. ProAct Model 4 would be set to ‘4’). 605-707109-002Actuator CCW Direction dflt = false (false=CW, true=CCW) ProAct Actuator Direction configuration—clockwise vs. counter-clockwise—as seen from the shaft end of the actuator. Actuator Inertia Setting dflt =0 (range 0–25) Actuator/valve inertia setting.605-707109-002 This setting is available for systems with higher or lower inertia than the default as indicated by excessive shaft movement. A zero (0) setting is basically for an unconnected shaft, whereas, increasing the setting implies a higher inertia in the system. This parameter can also be tuned and tested in the Service Mode—see Adjusting and Testing Actuator Dynamics in the Adjust User Stops section for details (see Figure 9-8 for more details). High Friction System dflt =false (false, true) Internal Disturbance Observer Controller (dobs) Enable command. Normally set to false, only needed in high friction systems. This parameter can also be tuned in the Service Mode to determine if it is needed—see Adjusting and Testing Actuator Dynamics in the Adjust User Stops section for details (see Figure 9-8 for more details). DiscreteOut Alarms Enabled dflt=true (false, true) Discrete Output configuration setting. When false, only Shutdowns will activate the discrete output. When true, any alarm or shutdown condition will activate the discrete output. Discrete Out Includes Runenable [Run/Enable] dflt=true (false, true)605-707109-002 (This parameter only available with ProAct Software Version 2.10 or later) (Check the version number under Service: Unit Status:) When set to true, when the Run Enable Discrete Input (Low Power Standby Mode) contacts are opened, the Status Output will also open.