LAM 605-707109-012 Plc网络接口模块

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LAM 605-707109-012 Plc网络接口模块


校准完成后,将605-707109-012 Plc模式退出)设置为true,以返回到上一个(停机)模式。服务:调整用户停止(必须关闭并输入密码)此类别提供在调整用户停止模式中更改参数的权限。605-707109-012 Plc。它提供了自动和手动设置停止、惯性设置和测试能力以及退出命令的方式,给出模式状态,并识别配置中的错误。

模式密码dflt=0调整用户停止模式的密码输入命令。605-707109-012 Plc要输入值,请突出显示或删除默认值(“0”),然后使用键盘输入数字密码。当按下回车键或选择输入右侧的等号时,接受输入。输入后,密码将返回零。如果接受并关闭装置,“启用”指示将为真。有关维修工具密码,请参阅附录。模式启用(仅状态指示)调整用户停止模式启用指示(真/假)。当模式启用时,参数为true——这表示可以更改“调整用户停止”模式参数。如果为false,则只能查看参数,而不能调整参数。模式退出dflt=false(仅限瞬时真命令)退出命令。605-707109-012 Plc设置为true可退出“调整用户停止”模式。这将禁用在此模式下更改参数的功能。“退出”参数在退出完成后自动返回false。Auto Execute dflt=false(仅限瞬时真命令)执行自动“寻止器”程序的命令。当设置为true时,605-707109-012 Plc输出移动到最小和最大位置,并自动确定停止。Status字符串指示当前执行步骤。设置停止时,该命令会自动设置回false。

选择所需的校准模式。有两种模式,手动冲程模式和自动模式。605-707109-012。如果选择了自动模式,步骤7至11将自动执行,无需任何用户输入。通过将“自动执行”设置为true,605-707109-012可启用自动模式。7.有两种方法可以手动在最小和最大位置之间移动输出:手动或使用手动设置位置。要使用手动设置位置,必须将手动启用设置为true。使用手动设置位置定位ProAct,降低需求设置,直到致动器定位在最小停止位置,或者用手将输出推入最小停止位置。8.将At Min Position(在最小位置)参数设置为true,以允许Control记录最小位置设置。9.增加手动设定位置设置,直到致动器定位在最大停止位置,或者用手将输出推入最大停止位置。10.将At Max Position(在最大位置)参数设置为true,以允许控制记录最大位置设置。11.当Min和Max均已成功校准时,将Enable Manual Stroke(启用手动冲程)设置回false(如果启用手动校准)。如果成功,Calibration Status(校准状态)将指示校准已完成。如果校准不成功,状态将指示“失败”。12.验证校准。这可以手动完成,方法是将机架从最小值移动到最大值,观察位置读数(维修工具或模拟输出),或将手动启用设置为真,并使用手动设置位置变量定位输出。605-707109-01213.调整动态。调整执行器惯性设置以获得正确的系统性能。增加设置意味着系统中的惯性更高,并导致致动器中的增益更高。使用执行器惯性测试执行命令验证设置。关于基于操纵杆尺寸的近似惯性设置,请参阅表9-1。14.可选地,在每个停止处设置所需的偏移(偏置)。605-707109-012“硬件调整”中提供了“最小停止偏移”和“最大停止偏移”参数,基本上可以在用户校准的停止设置内提供电气停止。该偏移以行程的度数为单位,可以随时调整。请参阅本章后面的图9-5和维修模式:硬件调整。

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This setting inverts the PWM input values to read the percentage of the time low rather than the percentage of the time high. Adjusting User Stops and Dynamics Introduction The User Calibration mode of the Service Tool provides the capability to set the min and max position to match the rigging of the actuator and valve. Both automatic and manual procedures are available to perform this setup. 605-707109-012This calibration must be done prior to operation of the unit.605-707109-012 If this procedure is not done, the actuator will be defaulted such that (0 to 100) % position demand will correspond to 0–75 degrees rotation. Refer to Figure 9-4. Once the user calibration is performed, this procedure stores the active min and max positions into non-volatile memory where it is retained until a new calibration is performed. In addition, 605-707109-012this mode can be used to verify the setup/calibration by providing a manual stroking mechanism.



AnlgIn 200 Min Value (mA) dflt= 20 mA(range 0.0–200) Analog Input Minimum Demand Value in mA. This setting corresponds to the milliamp signal that would demand the actuator to be fully closed (0 %) (should be less than the ’AnlgIn 200 Max Value (mA)’ setting).605-707109-012 AnlgIn 200 Max Value (mA) dflt=180 mA (range 0.0–200) Analog Input Maximum Demand Value in mA. This setting corresponds to the milliamp signal that would demand the actuator to be fully opened (100 %) (should be greater than the ’AnlgIn 200 Min Value (mA)’ setting). CAN DataRate default = 1(1, 3) CAN data rate setting in kbps. 605-707109-012Selection options: 1=250, 2=500, 3=1000 kbps. CAN Extensions default = 1 (0, 1) CAN Extension Configuration. This determines the messages of the CAN communications. The ProAct uses J1939 CAN but this setting sets up the actual Parameter Group Numbers (PGNs) and Suspect Parameter Numbers (SPNs) to be used over the comm link. Selection options: 0=Disable Can communications, 1=Set#1, 2=Set#2, etc. (must be greater than zero if CAN demand is configured). PwmIn Min Duty (%) default = 10 % (range 10–90) PWM Minimum actuator position Duty Cycle setting in percent. This setting corresponds to the duty cycle that would demand the actuator to be fully closed (0 %) (must be less than the ’PwmIn Max Duty (%)’ setting). PwmIn Max Duty (%) default 90 % (range 10–90) PWM Maximum actuator position Duty Cycle setting in percent. This setting corresponds to the duty cycle that would demand the actuator to be fully open (100 %) (must be greater than the ‘PwmIn Min Duty (%)’ setting).605-707109-012 PwmIn Frequency (Hz) dflt 1000 Hz (100–3000) Nominal PWM signal frequency in hertz. PwmIn Invert Input Signal dflt =false (false, true) Invert PWM Signal option. This configuration setting is available for systems that do not have a pull-up in their PWM output (refer to the hardware PWM section for details). 



Demand—Primary Source dflt = 3 (1, 3) Select the source of the primary demand input. Selection options: 1=CAN, 2=PWM, 3=Analog. Demand—Backup Source dflt = 2 (0, 3) Select the source of the backup demand input. Selection options: 0= Not Used, 1=CAN, 2=PWM, 3=Analog605-707109-012 (Primary and Backup demand sources must be different). AnlgIn 20 Min Value (mA) dflt=4 mA (range 0.0–25) Analog Input Minimum Demand Value in mA. 605-707109-012This setting corresponds to the milliamp signal that would demand the actuator to be fully closed (0 %) (should be less than the ’605-707109-012AnlgIn 20 Max Value (mA)’ setting). AnlgIn 20 Max Value (mA) dflt=20 mA (range 0.0–25) Analog Input Maximum Demand Value in mA. This setting corresponds to the milliamp signal that would demand the actuator to be fully opened (100 %) (should be greater than the ’605-707109-012AnlgIn 20 Min Value (mA)’ setting).