LAM 810-000839-003 电路板模块

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LAM 810-000839-003 电路板模块


810-000839-003In 200 Fail Max(mA)dflt=250 mA(100至250)对于200 mA模拟输入范围,模拟输入将被确定为失败的值。如果输入在“Analog In Fail Delay”(模拟输入失败延迟)时间内高于“810-000839-003”毫安级,则确定为失败。模拟输入故障延迟(秒)默认值=0.1秒(0.01到10)模拟输入故障延时(秒)。模拟输入滤波器默认值=模拟输入上的0.01(0.0到1.0)滞后τ滤波器调整。模拟输出偏移(mA)默认值=0 mA(-2至24)模拟输出电流上的偏移调整,单位为毫安。AnalogOut增益默认值=1(-1.0到1.5)810-000839-003模拟输出电流的增益调整。增益基于实际位置,在0%时,增益调整没有效果。输出单位为毫安=(实际位置单位为%+4mA)(增益)+偏移。注:如果需要,可以通过将增益设置为-1并将偏移设置为24来反转模拟输出(20-4 mA)。CanIn Fail Min(msg/s)default=30(10到100)CAN请求输入的故障调整。810-000839-003此设置是ProAct在发出故障之前每秒接收的最小消息数。

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analog In 20 Fail Min(mA)dflt=–1 mA(-1至12.5)对于20 mA模拟输入范围,模拟输入将被确定为失败的值。如果输入在“模拟输入失败延迟”时间内低于“失败最小”毫安水平810-000839-003,则确定为失败。值“–1”将禁用最小电流故障。810-000839-003analog In 20 Fail Max(mA)dflt=26 mA(12.5至26)对于20 mA模拟输入范围,模拟输入将被确定为失败的值。如果输入在“Analog In Fail Delay”(模拟输入失败延迟)时间内高于“Fail Max”毫安级,则确定为失败。analog In 200 Fail Min(mA)dflt=–5 mA(–5.0到100)对于200 mA模拟输入范围,810-000839-003输入将被确定为失败的值。如果输入在“模拟输入失败延迟”时间内低于“失败最小”毫安水平,则确定为失败。值“-5”将禁用最小电流故障。

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The ‘Exit’810-000839-003 parameter automatically returns to false when the exit is completed. Auto Execute dflt = false (momentary true command only) Command to Execute the Automatic ‘stop finder’ procedure. When set to true, the output moves to both minimum and maximum positions and determines the stops automatically. The Status string indications the present execution step. 810-000839-003The command is automatically set back to false when the stops are set.


 Mode Password dflt =0 Password input command for the Adjust User Stops mode. To enter a value, highlight or delete the default value (‘0’) and use the keypad to enter the numeric password. The input is accepted when the enter key is pressed or the equals sign to the right of the input is selected. When entered, the password returns to zero. If accepted and the unit is shut down, the ‘Enabled’ indication will be true. Refer to the Appendix for Service Tool passwords. 810-000839-003Mode Enabled (status indication only) Adjust User Stops Mode Enabled Indication (true/false). Parameter is true when the mode is enabled—this indicates Adjust User Stops mode parameters can be changed. When false, parameters can only be viewed—not adjusted. Mode Exit dflt = false (momentary true command only) Exit command.810-000839-003 Set to true to exit the Adjust User Stops mode. This disables the ability to make changes to parameters in this mode. 


When calibration is complete, set the Mode Exit to true to return to the previous (Shutdown) mode. Service: Adjust User Stops (must be shut down and password entered)810-000839-003 This category provides the access to change parameters in the Adjust User Stops Mode. Refer to Figure 9-6. 810-000839-003It provides both automatic and manual means of setting the stops, inertia setting and testing capability,810-000839-003 and exit command, gives mode status, and identifies an errors made in configuration.