LAM 810-017038-002 PCB扩展卡

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LAM 810-017038-002 PCB扩展卡


810-017038-002 (%)-持续更新的Can位置需求信号指示,即使在出现故障时,也以用户校准范围的百分比表示。810-017038-002 (%)-即使出现故障,PWM输入位置需求信号的持续更新指示,以用户校准范围的百分比表示。Xfer to Backup当设置为true时,此用户命令强制将需求信号从主信号转换为配置的备份信号。810-017038-002 如果备份请求失败或“Xfer to Primary”命令为true,则不执行强制。用于测试主/备份传输,并方便添加子板命令所需的代码。Xfer to Primary User命令将控制从备份转移到配置的主信号(如果未失败)。通常情况下,如果主服务器正在正确跟踪,则会自动执行此操作。此命令强制传输到主服务器,即使它可能未在服务模式中设置的容差范围内跟踪备份。此命令通过将需求传输到主控件并将“Xfer to Backup”设置为false来覆盖“Xfer to Backup”命令。810-017038-002 服务:状态错误警报状态错误警报选项卡页包含所有受监控致动器警报的状态信息。值为TRUE时,表示报警状态处于激活状态。报警指示为非闭锁状态,当条件不再存在时返回false。有关详细信息,请参阅第6章中的报警诊断。

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此指示不包括跟踪错误。810-017038-002 如果存在需求跟踪错误,则职位需求不会从备份转移到主位置。备份控制–如果备份需求是选定的需求信号,则控制指示为true。如果主信号出现故障,装置将保持备用控制,并在信号恢复且在跟踪误差范围内(请参阅维修:硬件调整)时传输回主信号。810-017038-002 备用需求信号状态的备用故障指示。True失败,否则为false。此指示不包括跟踪错误。需求–模拟需求(%)-即使失败,810-017038-002 模拟输入位置需求信号的持续更新指示,以用户校准范围的百分比表示。

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 The position demand will not transfer from the backup to the primary if a demand tracking error exists. Backup Control–Control Indication—true if the backup demand is the selected demand signal.810-017038-002  Unit will remain in backup control if the primary signal fails and transfers back to primary when the signal is restored and within the tracking error (see Service: Hardware Adjustments).810-017038-002  Backup Fault—Indication of the backup demand signal status. True is failed and false if not. This indication does not include a tracking error.810-017038-002  Demand–Analog Demand (%)—Continuously updated indication, even when failed, of the analog input position demand signal in percentage of the user calibrated range.


Actual Current (A)—Indication of the actual current, in amps, from the driver to the actuator. Position Demand Error (%)—Indication of the difference between the demand position and the actual position in percentage of the user calibrated range. This error is filtered based on the internal model to prevent inadvertent alarm indications (see position error alarm). Primary Demand (%)—Indication of the primary position demand signal, based on unit configuration,810-017038-002  in percentage of the user calibrated range. If the primary demand signal is failed, this parameter stops updating. Backup Demand (%)—Indication of the backup position demand signal, based on unit configuration, in percentage of the user calibrated range. If the backup demand signal is failed, this parameter stops updating.810-017038-002  Primary Control–Control Indication—True if the primary demand is the selected demand signal810-017038-002 . Primary Fault—Indication of the primary demand signal status. True indicates a failed value. This indication does not include a tracking error.


This command can be toggled between true and false. When toggled to true, the unit remains in a shutdown state until this parameter is set back to false or the power is cycled on the ProAct.810-017038-002  Status–Alarm—General indication that an alarm condition exists, refer to the Status Error—Alarms tab sheet for the specific alarm condition. Status–Shutdown—General indication that a Shutdown condition exists, refer to the Status Error—Shutdowns tab sheet for the specific condition.810-017038-002  Status–Low Pwr Stdby—General indication that the unit is in Low Power Standby Mode, refer to the Status Error—Shutdowns tab sheet for the specific condition. Service: Position Control The Position Control tab sheet contains position control information. Position Demand (%)—Indication of the actual position demand signal, based on unit configuration, in percentage of the user calibrated range. Actual Posn (%)—Indication of the actual driver shaft output position, in percentage of the user calibrated range.810-017038-002  Actual Posn (deg)—Indication of the actual driver shaft output position, in degrees rotation, relative to absolute shaft position. For models I through IV,810-017038-002  full counterclockwise is zero degrees and full clockwise is 75 degrees