LAM 810-017075-003 电源板

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LAM 810-017075-003 电源板 


810-017075-003命令清除所有错误的错误日志。发出时,所有代码、计数器和时间都设置为零。选择清除错误日志后,重置时间将更改为当前运行时小时数(显示在“机组状态”下)。重置时存在的错误不会重新记录,只记录新触发的事件。上次报警事件代码指示上次报警条件。上次停机事件代码指示上次停机条件。ErrorLog重置时间相对于上一个“Clear ErrorLog”命令的运行时间(参见机组状态选项卡页)的时间。810-017075-003Entryxx ErrorCode整数指示检测到的报警或停机事件。整数对应于报警或停机文本中列出的括号中的数字,810-017075-003例如“PWM无信号(53)”为代码53。Entryxx计数器810-017075-003自上次清除日志以来检测到该项的次数。

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Demand–Can Demand (%)—Continuously updated indication, even when failed, of the CAN position demand signal in percentage of the user calibrated range.810-017075-003 Demand–PWM Demand (%)—Continuously updated indication, even when failed, of the PWM input position demand signal in percentage of the user calibrated range. Xfer to Backup—When set to true, this user command forces the demand signal from primary to the configured backup signal. The force is not performed if the backup demand is failed or if the ‘Xfer to Primary’ command is true. Used to test primary/backup transfers and to facilitate the code required with the addition of daughter board commands. Xfer to Primary—User command to transfer control from backup to the configured primary signal (if it’s not failed). Normally this would happen automatically if the primary is properly tracking.810-017075-003 This command forces transfer to primary even though it may not be tracking the backup within tolerances set in the Service mode.


 This command overrides the ‘Xfer to Backup’ command by transferring the demand to primary control and setting ‘Xfer to Backup’ to false.810-017075-003 Service: Status Errors—Alarms The Status Errors—Alarms tab sheet contains status information on all monitored actuator alarms.810-017075-003 Values that are TRUE,810-017075-003 indicate the alarm condition is active810-017075-003. The Alarm indication is non-latching and returns to false when the condition no longer exists. Refer to the Alarm diagnostics in Chapter 6 for details.810-017075-003


Clear ErrorLog—Command to clear the error log of all errors. When issued, all Codes, Counters, and Times are set to zero. When a Clear Error Log is selected,810-017075-003 the reset time changes to the present runtime hours (displayed under Unit Status). Errors that exist at the time of the reset are not re-logged, only newly triggered events. Last Alarm—Event code indication of the last alarm condition. Last Shutdown—Event code indication of the last shutdown condition. ErrorLog Reset Time—Time, relative to the Run Time (See Unit Status tab sheet), of the last ‘Clear ErrorLog’ command. Entryxx ErrorCode—Integer indication of the detected alarm or shutdown event.