LAM 810-800081-013 控制板卡

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LAM 810-800081-013 控制板卡


810-800081-013 PwmIn Fail Min Duty(%)default=5%(1到50)Duty cycle value(占空比值),在该值PWM输入将被确定为失败。如果PWM输入占空比在“PwmIn Fail Delay”时间内低于“Fail Min”810-800081-013占空比水平,则确定为故障。PwmIn Fail Max Duty(%)default=95%(50到99)Duty cycle value(占空比值),在该值PWM输入将被确定为失败。如果PWM输入占空比在“PwmIn Fail Delay”时间内高于“Fail Max”占空比水平,则确定为故障。PwmIn Fail Delay(sec)default=0.1 sec(0.01到10)PWM输入故障延迟(以秒为单位)。810-800081-013 PwmIn滤波器默认值=PWM输入上的0.01(0到1)滞后τ滤波器调整。停止——最小停止偏移(度)默认值=0.5度(-10到10)旋转角度的电气停止调整。这是在最小输出位置时额外“偏置”的执行器范围调整设置。810-800081-013 该值使总体0%的需求位置存在偏差。当为正时,此设置可通过有效地将最小止动位置移动到离机械止动器更远的位置(另请参阅“维修硬件调整”选项卡页上的“电流限制-最小止动”),帮助防止ProAct控件的当前驱动器在达到止动器时将执行器驱动到硬止动器(机械限制)。将此参数设置为负值将迫使输出电流更难驱动至机械止动器810-800081-013 ,以确保阀门关闭。另请参阅维修模式中的调整用户停止部分。

位置误差最大值(%)810-800081-013 默认值=10%(1.0到110)此设置是在发出位置误差警报之前,位置需求与实际位置之间的最大差值(以百分比表示)。差值必须超过“错误延迟”持续时间的“错误”百分比值才能生成警报。请注意,内部进行了一些过滤,以模拟预期的致动器响应,810-800081-013 并最大限度地减少干扰警报。此设置适用于任何请求源、主源或备份。注:位置需求在内部限制在0到100之间,810-800081-013 仅用于位置误差检测,以消除错误的位置误差警报。位置误差延迟(秒)默认值=1秒(0.1到10)位置误差延迟以秒为单位--请参阅位置误差最大PwmIn Fail最小频率(%)默认值=85%标称频率(50到99)值,在该值下PWM输入将被确定为失败。该设置表示为在配置模式中设置的标称频率的百分比(即,标称1000 Hz的85%相当于850 Hz的故障水平)。810-800081-013 如果PWM输入频率在“PwmIn Fail Delay”时间内低于“Fail Min”赫兹水平,则确定故障。PwmIn Fail最大频率(%)默认值=额定频率(101至150)值的115%,在该值下PWM输入将被确定为故障。810-800081-013 该设置以配置模式中设置的标称频率的百分比表示。如果PWM输入频率在“PwmIn Fail Delay”时间内高于“Fail Max”赫兹水平,则确定为故障。

 PwmIn Fail Delay (sec) default = 0.1 sec (0.01 to 10) PWM input failure delay in seconds. PwmIn Filter default = 0.01 (0 to 1) Lag-tau filter adjustment on the PWM input.810-800081-013  Stops—Min Stop Bias (deg) default = 0.5 degrees (–10 to 10) Electrical Stop adjustment in degrees of rotation. This is an actuator range adjustment setting for an extra “bias” when at the minimum output position. This value biases the overall 0 % demand position. When positive, this setting can help prevent the ProAct control's current driver from driving the actuator into the hard stops (mechanical limits) when the stop is reached by effectively moving the minimum stop position further from the mechanical stops (see also the Current Limit –810-800081-013 Min Stop on the Service Hardware Adjustments tab sheet). Setting this parameter to a negative value will force the output current to drive into the mechanical stop harder to ensure the valve is closed.810-800081-013  Refer also to the Adjust User Stops section in the Service Mode.


A failure is determined if the PWM input frequency is below the ‘Fail Min’ hertz level for the ‘PwmIn Fail Delay’ time.810-800081-013 PwmIn Fail Max Freq (%) default= 115 % of nominal freq (101 to 150) Value at which the PWM input will be determined as failed. The setting is expressed as a percentage of the nominal frequency set in the Configure Mode. A failure is determined if the PWM input frequency is above the ‘Fail Max’ hertz level for the ‘PwmIn Fail Delay’ time. PwmIn Fail Min Duty (%) default= 5 % (1 to 50) Duty cycle value at which the PWM input will be determined as failed. A failure is determined if the PWM input duty cycle is below the ‘Fail Min’810-800081-013  duty cycle level for the ‘PwmIn Fail Delay’ time. PwmIn Fail Max Duty (%) default= 95 % (50 to 99) Duty cycle value at which the PWM input will be determined as failed. A failure is determined if the PWM input duty cycle is above the ‘Fail Max’ duty cycle level for the ‘PwmIn Fail Delay’ time.810-800081-013


Position Error Max (%) default = 10 % ( 1.0 to 110) This setting is the maximum difference between the position demand and the actual position in percentage before a position error alarm will be issued.810-800081-013 The difference must exceed the ‘Error’ percentage value for the ‘Error Delay’ duration to generate an alarm. Note that there is some filtering done internally to model the expected actuator response and minimize nuisance alarms. This setting applies to any Demand source, primary or backup. Note: The position demand is limited internally between 0 and 100, for position error detection only, to eliminate false position error alarms.810-800081-013 Position Error Delay (sec) default = 1 sec ( 0.1 to 10) Position error delay in seconds—see Position Error Max. PwmIn Fail Min Freq (%) default= 85 % of nominal freq (50 to 99) Value at which the PWM input will be determined as failed. The setting is expressed as a percentage of the nominal frequency set in the Configure Mode (i.e. 85 % of a nominal of 1000 Hz would equate to a fail level of 850 Hz).810-800081-013