810-800082-009增加手动设定位置设置,直到致动器定位在最大停止位置,或者用手将输出推入最大停止位置。10.将At Max Position(在最大位置)参数设置为true,以允许控制记录最大位置设置。11.当Min和Max都已成功校准时,将Enable Manual Stroke(启用手动冲程)设置回false(如果启用了手动校准)。如果成功,Calibration Status(校准状态)将指示校准已完成。如果校准不成功,状态将指示“失败”。810-800082-009验证校准。这可以手动完成,方法是将机架从最小值移动到最大值,观察位置读数(维修工具或模拟输出),或将手动启用设置为真,并使用手动设置位置变量定位输出。13.调整动态。调整执行器惯性设置以获得正确的系统性能。810-800082-009增加设置意味着系统中的惯性更高,并导致致动器中的增益更高。使用执行器惯性测试执行命令验证设置。关于基于操纵杆尺寸的近似惯性设置,请参阅表9-1。14.可选地,在每个停止处设置所需的偏移(偏置)。“硬件调整”中提供了“最小停止偏移”和“最大停止偏移”参数,基本上可以在用户校准的停止设置内提供电气停止。该偏移以行程的度数为单位,可以随时调整。810-800082-009:硬件调整。
要进入用户校准模式,必须关闭设备并输入密码。有关用户校准的概述,请参阅所附的流程图(图9-7和9-8)。调整制动器和动态系统的步骤1。810-800082-009使用RS-232零调制解调器电缆将PC连接到ProAct。2.在电脑上运行Servlink并连接到ProAct控件。请参阅维修工具一章,了解入门部分中有关Servlink设置和连接的详细信息。3.打开电脑上的“监视窗口”或其他编程工具。4。通过PC发出关闭命令(在机组状态选项卡页上)或打开ProAct低功率待机模式离散输入来关闭ProAct。任何一种方法都会使机组处于停机状态,这是对调整用户停机模式的许可。5.810-800082-009从服务:调整用户停止选项卡工作表中输入调整用户停止密码(模式密码)。ProAct将提供反馈,表明用户已通过操作模式和模式启用指示成功进入停止校准模式。6。选择所需的校准模式。有两种模式,手动冲程模式和自动模式。参见图9-7和图9-8。如果选择了自动模式,步骤7至11将自动执行,无需任何用户输入。通过将“自动执行”设置为true,810-800082-009可启用自动模式。7.有两种方法可以手动在最小和最大位置之间移动输出:手动或使用手动设置位置。要使用手动设置位置,必须将手动启用设置为true。使用手动设置位置定位ProAct,降低需求设置,直到致动器定位在最小停止位置,或者用手将输出推入最小停止位置。8.将At Min Position(在最小位置)参数设置为true,810-800082-009以允许Control记录最小位置设置。
Verify Calibration. This can be done by hand by moving the rack from min to max and observing the position readout (Service Tool or analog out) or by stetting the Manual Enable to true and positioning the output using the Manual Set Position variable. 810-800082-009 Adjust Dynamics. Adjust the Actuator Inertia Setting for proper system performance. Increasing the setting implies a higher inertia in the system and results in a higher gain in the actuator. Verify the setting with the Actuator Inertia 810-800082-009Test Execute command. Refer to Table 9-1 for an approximate inertia setting based on lever size. 14. Optionally, set the offset (bias) desired at each stop. The Min Stop Bias and Max Stop Bias parameters are available in the Hardware Adjustments to basically provide an electrical stop within the user calibrated stop settings810-800082-009.810-800082-009 This offset is in degrees of travel and can be adjusted anytime. Refer to Figure 9-5 and Service Mode: Hardware adjustments later in this chapter.
There are two methods to manually move the output between min and max position: by hand or by using the Manual Set Position. To use the Manual Set Position, the Manual enable must be set to true. Using the Manual Set Position to position the ProAct, decrease the demand setting until the actuator is positioned at the minimum stop or, by hand, push the output into the min stop.810-800082-009 Set the At Min Position parameter to true to allow the Control to record the Min position setting. 810-800082-009 Increase the Manual Set Position setting until the actuator is positioned at the maximum stop or, by hand, push the output into the max stop. 10. Set the At Max Position parameter to true to allow the Control to record the Max position setting. 810-800082-009. When both Min and Max have been successfully calibrated, set the Enable Manual Stroke back to false (if a Manual Calibration is enabled). If successful, the Calibration Status will indicate the calibration is complete. The status will indicate ‘failed’ if the calibration is unsuccessful.
To enter the User Calibration mode, the unit must be shut down and a password must be entered. For an overview of the User Calibration, refer to the attached flowcharts (Figures 9-7 and 9-8). Procedure to Adjust Stops and Dynamics 810-800082-009. Connect PC to ProAct using an RS-232 Null Modem cable. 810-800082-009 Run Servlink on the PC and connect to the ProAct control. Refer to the Service Tool chapter for details on Servlink setting and connection in the Getting Started section. 3. Open Watch Window or alternative programming tool on the PC. 4. Shut down the ProAct by either issuing a Shutdown Command from the PC (on the Unit Status tab sheet) or by opening the ProAct Low Power Standby Mode Discrete Input. Either method puts the unit in a shutdown state, which is a permissive for the Adjust User Stops mode. 810-800082-009. Enter the Adjust User Stops Password (Mode Password) from the Service: Adjust User Stops tab sheet. The ProAct will provide feedback that the user stops calibration mode has been successfully entered through the Operational Mode and Mode Enabled indications.6. Select the desired calibration mode. There are 2 modes, a manual stroking mode and an automatic mode. Refer to Figures 9-7 and 9-8. If the Auto mode is selected, steps 7 through 11 will occur automatically without any user input required. Auto Mode is enabled by setting “Auto Execute” to true.