LAM 810-800086-007 电源

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LAM 810-800086-007 电源

810-800086-007最大占空比(%)默认为90%(范围10–90)PWM最大执行器位置占空比设置,单位为百分比。该设置对应于要求执行机构全开(100%)的占空比(必须大于“PwmIn Min duty(%)”设置)。PwmIn频率(Hz)dflt 1000 Hz(100–3000)标称PWM信号频率(赫兹)。PwmIn Invert Input Signal dflt=false(false,true)Invert PWM Signal(反相PWM信号)选项。此配置设置适用于810-800086-007输出中没有上拉的系统(有关详细信息,810-800086-007)。此设置反转PWM输入值以读取时间低的百分比,而不是时间高的百分比。调整用户停止和动力学简介维修工具的用户校准模式提供了设置最小和最大位置的功能,以匹配致动器和阀门的索具。自动和手动程序都可用于执行此设置。此校准必须在装置运行之前完成。如果不执行此程序,执行机构将默认为(0到100)%的位置需求将对应0到75度的旋转。810-800086-007。一旦执行了用户校准,此程序将活动的最小和最大位置存储到非易失性存储器中,在执行新的校准之前,该位置一直保留。此外,此模式可用于通过提供手动冲程机构来验证设置/校准。810-800086-007

AnlgIn 200最小值(mA)dflt=20 mA(范围0.0–200)810-800086-007模拟输入最小需求值,单位为mA。此设置对应于要求致动器完全关闭(0%)的毫安信号(应小于“AnlgIn 200Max Value(mA)”设置)。AnlgIn 200最大值(mA)dflt=180 mA(范围0.0–200)模拟输入最大需求值,单位为mA。此设置对应于要求致动器完全打开(100%)的毫安信号(应大于“AnlgIn 200Min Value(mA)”设置)。CAN数据速率默认值=1(1,3)810-800086-007CAN数据速率设置,单位为kbps。选择选项:1=250、2=500、3=1000 kbps。CAN扩展默认值=1(0,1)CAN扩展配置。这决定了CAN通信的消息。ProAct使用J1939 CAN,但此设置设置了要通过通信链路使用的实际参数组号(PGN)和可疑参数号(SPN)。选择选项:0=禁用Can通信,1=设置#1,2=设置#2等(如果配置了Can需求,则必须大于零)。810-800086-007最小占空比(%)默认值=10%(范围10–90)PWM最小执行器位置占空比设置,单位为百分比。该设置对应于要求致动器完全关闭的占空比(0%)(必须小于“PwmIn Max duty(%)”设置)。

 This configuration setting is available for systems that do not have a pull-up in their PWM output (refer to the hardware PWM section for details).810-800086-007 This setting inverts the PWM input values to read the percentage of the time low rather than the percentage of the time high. Adjusting User Stops and Dynamics Introduction The User Calibration mode of the Service Tool provides the capability to set the min and max position to match the rigging of the actuator and valve. Both automatic and manual procedures are available to perform this setup.810-800086-007 This calibration must be done prior to operation of the unit.810-800086-007 If this procedure is not done, the actuator will be defaulted such that (0 to 100) % position demand will correspond to 0–75 degrees rotation. Refer to Figure 9-4. Once the user calibration is performed, this procedure stores the active min and max positions into non-volatile memory where it is retained until a new calibration is performed. 810-800086-007In addition, this mode can be used to verify the setup/calibration by providing a manual stroking mechanism.


The ProAct uses J1939 CAN but this setting sets up the actual Parameter Group Numbers (PGNs) and Suspect Parameter Numbers (SPNs) to be used over the comm link.810-800086-007 Selection options: 0=Disable Can communications, 1=Set#1, 2=Set#2, etc.810-800086-007 (must be greater than zero if CAN demand is configured). PwmIn Min Duty (%) default = 10 % (range 10–90) PWM Minimum actuator position Duty Cycle setting in percent. This setting corresponds to the duty cycle that would demand the actuator to be fully closed (0 %) (must be less than the ’PwmIn Max Duty (%)’ setting). PwmIn Max Duty (%) default 90 % (range 10–90) PWM Maximum actuator position Duty Cycle setting in percent. This setting corresponds to the duty cycle that would demand the actuator to be fully open (100 %) (must be greater than the ‘PwmIn Min Duty (%)’ setting).810-800086-007 PwmIn Frequency (Hz) dflt 1000 Hz (100–3000) Nominal PWM signal frequency in hertz. PwmIn Invert Input Signal dflt =false (false, true) Invert PWM Signal option.


AnlgIn 200 Min Value (mA) dflt= 20 mA(range 0.0–200) Analog Input Minimum Demand Value in mA. This setting corresponds to the milliamp signal that would demand the actuator to be fully closed (0 %) (should be less than the ’AnlgIn 200 Max Value (mA)’ setting)810-800086-007 AnlgIn 200 Max Value (mA) dflt=180 mA (range 0.0–200) Analog Input Maximum Demand Value in mA. This setting corresponds to the milliamp signal that would demand the actuator to be fully opened (100 %) (should be greater than the ’AnlgIn 200 Min Value (mA)’ setting).810-800086-007 CAN DataRate default = 1(1, 3) CAN data rate setting in kbps. Selection options: 1=250, 2=500, 3=1000 kbps. CAN Extensions default = 1 (0, 1) CAN Extension Configuration.810-800086-007 This determines the messages of the CAN communications.