PROSOFT 4301-MBP-DFCM 电机软启动器

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PROSOFT 3100-MCM 通信接口模块

安装要求UG杠杆调速器的推荐转速范围为375至1500 rpm,可顺时针或逆时针驱动。建议的最大恒定转速为1000至1500转/分,在额定转速和正常工作温度下需要1/3马力(249瓦)。工作温度范围为-40至+220°F(-40至+104°C)。安装调速器之前,确保调速器驱动轴能够自由旋转。使用调速器和原动机驱动器之间正确长度的联轴器,将调速器垂直安装并固定在其安装垫上。确保传动轴没有卡滞、侧面负载过大或联轴器没有松动。不得有任何力将驱动轴推入调速器。h允许发动机通过节气门关闭




 The standard UG Governor serrated drive offers few installation problems. However, the concentricity of the shaft to the drive coupling must be maintained, and the coupling should be as long as possible to permit greater flexibility and a longer life. A misalignment of the drive shaft can result in a broken drive shaft, causing an overspeed condition or runaway engine. An overspeeding or runaway engine can result in extensive damage to the equipment, personal injury, and/or loss of life. If an optional keyed drive is used when installing the governor, take care to avoid the following undesirable conditions: • Rough gear teeth Rough gear teeth or shaft out of round, can cause vibrations which can be transmitted to the governor and cause a jiggle in the governor output shaft. The jiggle can be transmitted to the fuel control, resulting in an undesirable condition. Replace gears if necessary.


Improper alignment or too tight a fit between any of the parts can result in excessive wear or seizure of parts. It can also cause an undesirable high frequency vibration or “jiggle” in the governor output shaft. (See Definitions in Chapter 5 for more information). The UG Governor is mounted flush with the engine drive pad. If the engine drive pad is at an angle (from 0 to 45° maximum), the UG Governor must be installed with the front panel in the upper position. Use a gasket between governor and engine drive pad to allow for surface imperfections. Be sure there is adequate space available around the governor to provide easy access for installing the control linkage, filling the governor with oil, and adjusting the speed and compensation system. See Outline Drawing, Figure 1-3, for mounting hole sizes and governor dimensions.


 Mounting Requirements The recommended speed range for the UG Lever governor is 375 to 1500 rpm and can be driven clockwise or counterclockwise. The recommended maximum constant speed is 1000 to 1500 rpm, requiring 1/3 hp (249 W) at rated speed and normal operating temperature. Operating temperature range is –40 to +220 °F (–40 to +104 °C). Make sure the governor drive shaft rotates freely before installing the governor. Mount and fasten the governor squarely on its mounting pad using the correct length of coupling between the governor and the prime mover drive. Be sure there is no binding, excessive side loading of the drive shaft, or looseness in the coupling. There must be no force pushing the drive shaft into the governor.h allows the engine to be shut down from the throttle