PROSOFT 5136-RE-VME 接口卡模块

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PROSOFT 5136-RE-VME 接口卡模块

5136-RE-VME悬挂机构附件终端轴悬挂机构燃油悬挂机构的调整必须在调速器输出轴行程的42°范围内控制燃油从“OFF”到“FULL fuel”。它还必须在“空载”和“满载”之间提供大约30°的输出轴行程。5136-RE-VME确保终端移动的每一端都有足够的超程。如果不能在最大燃油位置提供足够的超程,可能会阻止原动机在需要时获得最大燃油。5136-RE-VME未能在最低燃油位置提供足够的超程可能会阻止调速器关闭原动机,并可能导致设备损坏和人身伤害。


 5136-RE-VMEIn order to improve governing control at light loads, a compensating linkage is devised (“non-linear” linkage). This linkage provides greater movement of the governor per increment of valve movement at light loads than it does at heavy loads (see Figure 1-4). See also Table 5-1 for a satisfactory relationship between governor output shaft travel and butterfly valve travel in a non-linear system. For more Information on non-linear linkage, please refer to Woodward Application Note 50516, Governor Linkage for Butterfly Throttle Valves. Speed Setting Shaft Linkage Attach the speed setting linkage to the governor speed setting shaft. Approximately 40 to 45° travel (clockwise to increase) is typically used to obtain the full governor speed range. The governor is shipped from the factory with minimum and maximum speed stops adjusted for the full governor speed range.


5136-RE-VME There must be no lost motion or binding in this linkage. Adequate locking methods must be employed on the linkage connections. A linear linkage arrangement is used in applications where the governor output shaft positioning is directly proportional to the torque output of the prime mover. Thus, the governor output shaft travel will be directly proportional to the torque output of the prime mover. A linear linkage is a linkage arrangement which provides as much movement of the governor output shaft per increment of valve movement at light loads as it does at heavy loads. In applications where a governor is controlling a butterfly valve, such as on a gas engine, a linear linkage should not be used. This is due to the inherent design of the butterfly valve, which requires only a small amount of valve travel (for example, 10°) to bring an engine from no load to half load. By contrast, this design requires a much greater movement of valve travel (for example, 30°) to bring the engine from half load to full load. 


•5136-RE-VME  Incorrect shimming Check backlash and re-adjust it necessary to obtain proper mesh without binding or excessive backlash. Refer to the prime mover manufacturer’s specifications for the correct amount of backlash. Linkage Attachments Terminal Shaft Linkage Adjustments of fuel linkage must provide for control of fuel from “OFF” to “FULL FUEL” within the limits of the 42° of governor output shaft travel. It must also provide for approximately 30° output shaft travel between “NO LOAD” and “FULL LOAD”. Be sure to allow sufficient overtravel at each end of the terminal movement. Failure to provide sufficient overtravel at the maximum fuel position can prevent the prime mover from getting maximum fuel when required. Failure to provide sufficient overtravel at the minimum fuel position can prevent the governor from shutting down the prime mover and result in possible damage to equipment and personal injury.Attach the fuel rack linkage to the governor output shaft.