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许多汽车和燃气发动机油、工业润滑油以及矿物或合成来源的其他油都满足这些要求。5204-DFNT-PDPMV1调速器设计用于在粘度在50至3000 SUS(赛博尔特通用秒)之间的大多数油的工作温度下提供稳定的工作。在正常工作温度下,粘度应在100至300 SUS之间。致动器响应差或不稳定可能表明机油粘度在该范围之外。调速器中的部件过度磨损或卡住表明可能存在以下情况:1。润滑不足的原因是:•机油在低温时流动缓慢,尤其是在启动期间•调速器2中没有机油。受污染的油是由以下原因引起的:•油箱脏•调速器暴露在加热和冷却循环中,导致油中的水凝结3。机油不适合工作条件是由以下原因引起的:•环境温度变化•油位不合适,会产生泡沫、充气机油。连续操作调速器超过机油的上限温度将导致机油氧化。这可以通过调速器零件上的清漆或污泥沉积物来识别。为了减少油的氧化,用热交换器或其他方式降低执行机构的工作温度,或换成在工作温度下更耐氧5204-DFNT-PDPMV1 化的油。如果粘度超过50至3000 SUS范围,则可能导致失去稳定的调速器控制和原动机超速。原动机超速和/或失控可能导致设备大面积损坏、人身伤害和/或生命损失。

通过一个小面板孔可以看到内部止动杆上的中心冲压标记,该标记指示调速轴的最小速度位置。最小和最大止动位置是带防松螺母的可调节止动螺钉。该连杆不得有束缚或空转。连杆连接必须采用适当的锁定方法。供油根据调速器的工作温度使用机油(见表2-1)。5204-DFNT-PDPMV1主要关注调速器中的机油特性。向调速器加注约1.5 US qt(1.4 L)的机油,直至油位观察镜上的标记。发动机起动且调速器处于工作温度后,如有必要,添加机油。使用表2-1和2-2中给出的信息作为选择合适润滑油/液压油的指南。机油等级的选择基于调速器的工作温度范围。此外,使用这些信息有助于识别和纠正与Woodward产品中使用的机油相关的常见问题。对于调速器与发动机共用供油的应用,请使用发动机制造商推荐的机油。调速器油既是润滑油又是液压油。它必须具有允许其在操作温度范围内运行的粘度指数,并且必须具有适当的添加剂混合,使其在该范围内保持稳定和可预测。调速器油必须与密封材料(腈、聚丙烯酸和氟碳化合物)兼容。

 Woodward governors are designed to give stable operation with most oils with the viscosity, at the operating temperature, between 50 and 3000 SUS (Saybolt Universal Seconds). At the normal operating temperature, the viscosity should be between 100 to 300 SUS. Poor actuator response or instability may be an indication that the oil viscosity is outside this range. Excessive component wear or seizure in a governor indicates the possibility of: 1. Insufficient lubrication caused by: • An oil that flows slowly when it is cold, especially during start-up • No oil in the governor 2. Contaminated oil caused by: 5204-DFNT-PDPMV1• Dirty oil containers • A governor exposed to heating up and cooling down cycles, which creates condensation of water in the oil 3. Oil not suitable for the operating conditions caused by: • Changes in ambient temperature


Oil grade selection is based on the operating temperature range of the governor. Also, use this information to aid in recognizing and correcting common problems associated with oil used in Woodward products. For applications where the governor shares the oil supply with the engine, use the oil recommended by the engine manufacturer. Governor oil is both a lubricating oil and a hydraulic oil. It must have a viscosity index that allows it to perform over the operating temperature range, and it must have the proper blending of additives that cause it to remain stable and predictable over this range. Governor oil must be compatible with seal materials (nitrile, polyacrylic, and fluorocarbon). Many automotive and gas engine oils,5204-DFNT-PDPMV1 industrial lubricating oils, and other oils of mineral or synthetic origin meet these requirements.


5204-DFNT-PDPMV1 A center punch mark on an internal stop lever can be viewed through a small panel hole and indicates the minimum speed position of the speed adjusting shaft. The minimum and maximum stop positions are adjustable stop screws with jam nuts. There must be no binding or lost motion in this linkage. Adequate locking methods must be employed on the linkage connections. Oil Supply Use an oil depending on operating temperature for the governor (see Table 2-1). Primary concern is for the oil properties in the governor. Fill the governor with approximately 1.5 US qt (1.4 L) of oil to the mark on the oil sight glass. After the engine is started and the governor is at operating temperature, add oil if necessary.Use the information given in Tables 2-1 and 2-2 as a guide in the selection of a suitable lubricating/hydraulic oil.