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 5205-DFNT-PDPS为避免再次污染,更换的机油应无污垢、水和其他异物。使用干净的容器储存和转移机油。经过精心选择以匹配操作条件并与调速器部件兼容的机油应在更换机油之间提供长期服务。对于在理想条件下运行的调速器(最小限度地暴露在灰尘和水下,并在油的温度限制内),可以延长换油时间。如果可用,定期进行机油分析有助于确定机油更换频率。任何持续或反复出现的石油问题都应咨询合格的石油专家进行解决。 5205-DFNT-PDPS建议机油的连续工作温度为140至200°F(60至93°C)。环境温度限制为–20至+200°F(–29至+93°C)。测量壳体外部下部调速器的温度。实际机油温度将稍微升高,大约升高10°F(6°C)。遵循制造商关于溶剂使用的说明或限制。如果没有可用的说明,请小心处理。在通风良好、远离火源或火花的地方使用清洁溶剂。不遵守上述安全说明可能导致危险火灾、设备大面积损坏、人身伤害和/或生命损失。

•油位不当会产生泡沫状、充气油。连续操作调速器超过油的上限温度会导致油氧化。这可以通过调速器零件上的清漆或污泥沉积物来识别。为了减少油的氧化,用热交换器或其他方式降低执行机构的工作温度,或换成在工作温度下更耐氧化的油。如果粘度超过50至3000 SUS范围,则可能导致失去稳定的调速器控制和原动机超速。原动机超速和/或失控可能导致设备大面积损坏、人身伤害和/或生命损失。油表(表2-1)中给出了具体的油粘度建议。选择一种现成的好品牌的油,无论是矿物油还是合成油,并继续使用同一品牌。不要混合不同种类的机油。符合API(美国石油学会)“S”组或“C”组发动机服务分类的机油,从“SA”或“CA”开始,到“SF”和“CD”,适用于调速器服务。符合以下规范性能要求的油也适用: 5205-DFNT-PDPS如果调速器油受到污染,则应更换,如果怀疑会导致调速器不稳定,则应进行更换。在油仍然热且搅拌时排空油,并在重新加注新油之前,用具有一定润滑质量的清洁溶剂(如燃油或煤油)冲洗调速器。 5205-DFNT-PDPS如果排放时间不足以使溶剂完全排放或蒸发,则用正在重新加注的相同油冲洗调速器,以避免稀释和可能污染新油。

 The standard UG Governor serrated drive offers few installation problems. However, the concentricity of the shaft to the drive coupling must be maintained, 5205-DFNT-PDPS and the coupling should be as long as possible to permit greater flexibility and a longer life. A misalignment of the drive shaft can result in a broken drive shaft, causing an overspeed condition or runaway engine. An overspeeding or runaway engine can result in extensive damage to the equipment, personal injury, and/or loss of life. 5205-DFNT-PDPS If an optional keyed drive is used when installing the governor, take care to avoid the following undesirable conditions: • Rough gear teeth Rough gear teeth or shaft out of round, can cause vibrations which can be transmitted to the governor and cause a jiggle in the governor output shaft. The jiggle can be transmitted to the fuel control, resulting in an undesirable condition. Replace gears if necessary.


To avoid recontamination, 5205-DFNT-PDPS the replacement oil should be free of dirt, water, and other foreign material. Use clean containers to store and transfer oil. Oil that has been carefully selected to match the operating conditions and is compatible with governor components should give long service between oil changes. For governors operating under ideal conditions (minimum exposure to dust and water and within the temperature limits of the oil), oil changes can be extended. If available, 5205-DFNT-PDPS a regularly scheduled oil analysis is helpful in determining the frequency of oil changes. Any persistent or recurring oil problems should be referred to a qualified oil specialist for solution. 


 • An improper oil level which creates foamy, aerated oil Operating a governor continuously beyond the high-limit temperature of the oil will result in oil oxidation. 5205-DFNT-PDPS This is identified by varnish or sludge deposits on the governor parts. To reduce oil oxidation, lower the actuator operating temperature with a heat exchanger or other means, or change to an oil more oxidationresistant at the operating temperature. A loss of stable governor control and possible prime mover overspeed may result if the viscosity exceeds the 50 to 3000 SUS range. An overspeeding and/or runaway prime mover can result in extensive damage to the equipment, personal injury, and/or loss of life.Specific oil viscosity recommendations are given in the Oil Chart (Table 2-1). Select a readily available good brand of oil, 5205-DFNT-PDPS either mineral or synthetic, and continue using that same brand.