PROSOFT 5302-MBP-MCM4 网络通讯模块

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PROSOFT 5302-MBP-MCM4 网络通讯模块 



 Accumulator The purpose of the accumulator (8) Is to store oil under pressure for the operation of the UG Lever governor. The accumulator (two cylinders) also acts as a pressure relief valve if oil pressure is increased above 120 psi/827 kPa (150 psi/1034 kPa for UG-10). The accumulator (8) consists of two spring-loaded pistons (9). Oil is pumped into the cylinders and pressure is increased as the accumulator springs (9) are compressed. When the oil pressure exceeds 120 psi/827 kPa (150 psi/1034 kPa for UG-10), oil is released back to sump through a relief port (10) in each cylinder. Oil flows from the accumulator (8) through passages to the top of the power piston (7) and to the pilot valve system (14 and 15)


The ballhead system consists of a ballhead (3), flyweights (2), speeder spring (26), thrust bearing (25), speeder plug (1), and speeder rod (4). The ballhead (3) is geared and is driven by the laminated drive (19). The flyweights (2) are attached to the ballhead (3) with pivot pins. A thrust bearing (25) rides on the toes of the flyweights (2). The speeder spring (26) is held against the thrust bearing (25) by the speeder plug (1). As the ballhead (3) rotates, the flyweights (2) pivot outward due to the centrifugal force. At the same time, the speeder spring (26) is forcing the thrust bearing (25) downward on the flyweight toes (2). This downward force opposes the centrifugal force of the flyweights (2). Increasing the drive speed increases the centrifugal force. Compressing the speeder spring (26) with the speeder plug (1) increases the downward force and in turn increases the governor speed setting. The prime mover must run faster to produce a higher centrifugal force to overcome the speeder spring force and rebalance the system.


Power Piston The purpose of the power piston (7) is to rotate the governor output shaft to the increase or decrease fuel position. The power piston (servo) is a differential type with oil pressure on both sides of the piston. The upper end of the piston is connected to the governor output shaft (6) through a power lever and link assembly. The bottom of the power piston (7) has a larger area than the top of the piston. Therefore, less oil pressure is required on the bottom than on the top to maintain the piston stationary. If the oil pressure is the same on both the top and bottom of the piston, the piston is moved upward to rotate the terminal shaft in the increase fuel direction. The piston moves downward only when oil under the piston is released to sump. Oil to or from the bottom of the power piston is regulated by the pilot valve system. Pilot Valve System The purpose of the pilot valve system (14 and 15) is to control the flow of oil to or from the bottom of the power piston (7).