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降速UG杠杆调速器可在工厂配备降速组件。速度下降,或者简称为下降,是在调速器中产生稳定性的一种方法。Droop还用于在并联或连接到单个轴的两个或多个原动机之间分配和平衡负载。Droop是调速器输出轴响应负载增加从最小燃油位置移动到最大燃油位置时发生的速度下降,以额定速度的百分比表示。如果,而不是降低速度。出现增加时,调速器显示出负下降。负下降将导致调速器不稳定。没有足够的下垂会导致不稳定,表现为振荡、浪涌或难以响应负载变化。过多的下垂可能导致调速器在负载上下时响应缓慢。使用调速器速度在空载时为1500rpm和在满载时为1450rpm的示例,降速可通过以下公式计算:%降速=空载速度–满载速度满载速度x 100%降速=1500 rpm–1450 rpm 1450 rpm x 100=3.5%如果调速器输出轴未使用从“空载”到“满载”的全部2/3可用行程,降速也将成比例减少。如果转速下降幅度大于50 rpm,调速器显示下降幅度大于3.5%。


 Accumulator The purpose of the accumulator (8) Is to store oil under pressure for the operation of the UG Lever governor. The accumulator (two cylinders) also acts as a pressure relief valve if oil pressure is increased above 120 psi/827 kPa (150 psi/1034 kPa for UG-10). The accumulator (8) consists of two spring-loaded pistons (9). Oil is pumped into the cylinders and pressure is increased as the accumulator springs (9) are compressed. When the oil pressure exceeds 120 psi/827 kPa (150 psi/1034 kPa for UG-10), oil is released back to sump through a relief port (10) in each cylinder. Oil flows from the accumulator (8) through passages to the top of the power piston (7) and to the pilot valve system (14 and 15)


  If, instead of a decrease in speed. an increase takes place, the governor is showing a negative droop. Negative droop will cause instability in a governor. Not enough droop can cause instability in the form of hunting, surging or difficulty in response to a load change. Too much droop can result in slow governor response in picking up or dropping off a load. Using an example where the governor speed is 1500 rpm at no load and 1450 rpm at full load, droop can be calculated with the formula: % Droop = No load speed – Full load speed Full load speed x 100 % Droop = 1500 rpm – 1450 rpm 1450 rpm x 100 = 3.5% If the governor output shaft does not use the full 2/3 of available travel from “NO LOAD” to “FULL LOAD,” droop will also be reduced proportionately. If the decrease in speed is greater than 50 rpm, droop greater than 3.5% is shown by the governor.


 Speeder spring force or speed setting Is controlled manually through the speed adjusting shaft (1). Compensation System The purpose of the compensation system is to give stability to the governor and to obtain steady state speed control. Also, when correctly adjusted, the compensation system effectively regulates the amount of fuel necessary to bring the engine to the required output to adjust to a decrease or an increase in load. A large compensation piston (21), small compensation piston (20), a floating lever (18), a compensation adjusting lever (5) with adjustable fulcrum (24), along with a compensating needle valve (22) make up the compensation system (see Figure 3-1). Compensation is simply another word for temporary speed droop characteristic. The compensation system introduces a temporary readjustment of speed setting with output shaft movement to produce a stabilizing speed droop characteristic, followed by a relatively slow return of speed setting to its original value.The large compensation piston (21) is linked to the output shaft (6) by a compensation adjusting lever (5). A pivotable fulcrum (24) rides on the adjusting lever. Changing the fulcrum’s position allows the adjusting lever (5) to control the amount of stroke available for the actuating compensating piston.