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在UG杠杆调速器的初始操作之前,检查之前的所有安装步骤是否已成功完成,所有连杆是否牢固、布置和连接是否正确(见第2章)。也请阅读本章的全部内容。将调速器加油至油视镜上的顶部标记。6105-WA-PDPS 小心地(顺时针)关闭针阀,然后将其打开1/2到3/4圈。松开固定补偿调整指针的螺母,使其足以移动指针,并将指针设置在刻度的中间。拧紧螺母。如果更换调速器,6105-WA-PDPS  初始补偿设置可以是刚刚拆下的调速器的补偿设置。启动发动机、涡轮机或其他类型的原动机时,要做好紧急停机的准备,以防止失控或超速,从而可能造成人身伤害、生命损失或财产损失。按照原动机制造商的说明启动原动机。调整通常情况下,将新调速器投入使用的唯一调整是排出滞留空气并调整补偿,以获得令人满意的稳定性和响应。所有其他操作调整都是在工厂测试期间根据原动机制造商的规范进行的,不需要进一步调整。本手册的“发动机测试程序”部分给出了转速下降、高速和低速停止以及停机螺母调整。除非您完全熟悉正确的程序,否则不要尝试对调速器进行内部调整。补偿调整针阀和调整指针是补偿系统的可调整部件。它们的设置直接影响调速器的稳定性6105-WA-PDPS 。补偿必须根据特定的发动机和负载进行适当调整,以提供稳定的运行。


Fill the governor with oil to the top mark on the oil sight glass. Close the needle valve carefully (clockwise), then open it 1/2 to 3/4 turn. Loosen the nut holding the compensation adjusting pointer enough to move the pointer and set the pointer in the middle of the scale. Tighten the nut. If replacing a governor, the initial compensation setting can be that of the governor just removed. Be prepared to make an emergency shutdown when starting the engine, turbine, or other type of prime mover, to protect against runaway or overspeed with possible personal injury, loss of life, or property damage. Follow the prime mover manufacturer’s instructions to start the prime mover. Adjustments Normally, the only adjustments for putting a new governor into service are bleeding trapped air and adjusting compensation to obtain satisfactory stability and response. All other operating adjustments were made during factory testing in accordance with the prime mover manufacturer’s specifications and should not require further adjustment. 


In either case, a decrease or an increase in load, the compensation system operates in the same manner: the compensation or amount of movement of the large compensation piston is controlled by the compensation adjustment (the fulcrum position). The rate at which the small compensation piston (20) is returned to normal is controlled by the needle valve (22) adjustment—the rate of flow of oil through the needle valve (22). When correctly adjusted, the compensation system effectively regulates the amount of fuel necessary to bring the engine to the required output to adjust to a decrease or an increase in load or to a speed setting change.Before initial operation of the UG Lever governor, check that all previous installation steps are successfully accomplished and all linkages are secure and properly arranged and attached (see Chapter 2). Also read all of this chapter. 


The pressure oil acting on the bottom side of the power piston forces it up and rotates the output shaft in the increase fuel direction. 5. Linkage from the output shaft (6) raises the compensation adjusting lever (5) which pivots at the fulcrum (24), lowering the large compensation piston (21). 6. Pressure oil is applied to the chamber of the small compensation piston (20), raising the left end of the floating lever (18). 7. The pvp is raised in turn, closing off the control port (18). 8. As sump oil flows through the needle valve (22) from the dashpot compensation piston assembly (20 and 21), the small compensation piston (20) is returned to its normal centered position by the compensation spring at the same rate as the speeder rod (4). This keeps the pilot valve plunger (14) in its centered position. 9. This keeps the control port in the pilot valve bushing (15) covered by the land on the pvp (14). 10. The output shaft (6) and power piston (7) movement is stopped in the new increase fuel position required to run the prime mover at the selected speed setting with the increase in load.