PROSOFT ILX34-MBS485 网关转换器

 PROSOFT | 2024-01-17 19:25:22| 小编  提示:点击图片可以放大

PROSOFT ILX34-MBS485 网关转换器



 If the linkage to engine is correctly adjusted, the engine will shut down.efer to Figure 3-1 with the text to better understand the operation of the UG Lever governor. This schematic diagram is of a basic design and does not include any auxiliary equipment. This description is based on speed changes resulting from load changes. However, the same sequence of governor movements would occur if the governor speed setting were changed by repositioning the speed control linkage. Decrease in Load Assume the prime mover is running on-speed. The flyweights are in a vertical position for normal steady-state operation. The control land of the pilot valve plunger (14) is centered over the control port of the rotating bushing (5304-MBP-PDPM). This stops the flow of pressure oil through the bushing (15) control port. As a result, there is no movement of the power piston (7) and no movement of the governor output shaft (6).


Loosen the nut holding the compensation pointer just enough to lower the pointer as far as it will go for minimum compensation. Tighten the nut again. The objective of the compensation adjustment procedure is to find the particular settings for the compensation needle valve and compensation adjustment pointer at which the engine, turbine, or other type of prime mover will return quickly to speed (needle valve adjustment) after a speed disturbance with only a slight over or undershoot (compensation pointer adjustment). 3. Gradually close the needle valve until hunting just stops. If hunting does not stop, open the needle valve one turn and move the compensation pointer up by one mark on the front panel indicator scale. Again gradually close the needle valve until hunting stops. If hunting does not stop, set the needle valve 1/4 turn open and repeat setting the compensation pointer up by one mark. Retest the governor until hunting stops.


 Gradually close the needle valve until hunting just stops. If hunting does not stop, open the needle valve one turn and move the compensation pointer up by one mark on the front panel indicator scale. Again gradually close the needle valve until hunting stops. If hunting does not stop, set the needle valve 1/4 turn open and repeat setting the compensation pointer up by one mark. Retest the governor until hunting stops.When the engine or turbine is started for the first time after the governor has been filled with oil, the governor may be stable at constant speed, yet the governor may need adjustment. High overspeeds and underspeeds after load changes and slow return to normal speed indicate the need for compensation adjustment. Maximum compensation settings generally provide stable steady state operation but result in greater off-speeds on load changes. After the oil in the governor has reached its normal operating temperature, make the following compensation adjustments without load on the prime mover to be certain that the governor gives optimum control. See Figure 1-1 for location of the adjustment parts.