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If a test stand is not available, testing of the governor can be done on the engine. If testing of the governor is done on the engine, be careful to manually control the engine speed until your have proven that the governor will control engine speed. Attach a serration wrench to the output shaft in addition to the normal linkage to manually control engine speed with the serration wrench. When satisfied that the governing system is fully operative, remove the serration wrench. Before operating a repaired governor for the first time, check that all installation steps have been correctly completed (see Chapter 2). Also read all of this chapter.


Closing the needle valve more than indicated in a. or b. above makes the governor slow to return to normal speed after a load change. Opening the needle valve more than indicated above decreases governor stability and can cause hunting. Once the needle valve adjustment is correct, it is not necessary to change the setting except for large, permanent changes in temperature which affect governor oil viscosity. When the adjustment is correct, tighten the compensation pointer nut and reinstall the needle valve access plug with a copper washer. The plug and the washer will seal oil seepage around the needle valve. Initial Operation for a Repaired or Reassembled Governor After disassembly or repair, it is very important to test the governor on a test stand.


 From this setting, open the needle valve one turn and manually disturb the governor fuel setting. Gradually close the needle valve until the governor returns to speed with only a small overshoot or undershoot and: a. The needle valve is between 1/8 to 1/4 turn open on a governor with an oil sight glass located in the center of the dial panel. b. The needle valve is between 3/8 to 3/4 turn open on a governor with an oil sight glass located on the side of the governor. Compensation adjustment determines off-speed, and needle valve adjustment determines recovery time. For most responsive governor control, use as little compensation as possible. Too much compensation causes excessive speed overshoots and undershoots on load changes.