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测试台工具工具说明应用程序测试台,Woodward P/N 205975驱动调速器,提供压力下的油,并包含用于监测调速器运行的仪表。电子计数器和频率传感器用于指示调速器驱动速度。在1秒的时间基础上,每转输出必须至少为60赫兹。必须指示驱动速度在±1 rpm以内。显示时间的读数不得超过5秒。压力表(0至200 psi/0至1400 kPa)检查调速器油压。发动机上的测试程序这些调整和测试程序根据调速器是否有下垂部件来划分。遵循适用的说明。无下垂部件的UG杠杆试验(参考图6-1)1。拆下针阀塞(146)端部相对侧调速器底座上的管塞(9),连接一个0–200 psi(0–1400 kPa)的压力表。2.将调速器安装在试验台上或发动机垫上。参见第2章。3.给调速器加油。参见第2章,供油。油位必须达到油视镜上的标记。4.将补偿调整指针设置在指针刻度的中点。


 Test Procedures on the Engine These adjustments and test procedures are divided by whether the governor has droop parts or does not. Follow whichever instructions are applicable. UG Lever Test without Droop Parts (Reference Figure 6-1) 1. Remove pipe plug (9) in the base of the governor on the opposite side of the needle valve plug (146) end attach a 0–200 psi (0–1400 kPa) pressure gauge. 2. Install the governor on a test stand or on the engine pad. See Chapter 2. 3. Fill the governor with oil. See Chapter 2, Oil Supply. The oil level must be to the mark on the oil sight glass. 4. Set the compensation adjusting pointer at mid-point on the pointer scale.


 Be prepared to make an emergency shutdown when starting the engine, turbine, or other type of prime mover, to protect against runaway or overspeed with possible personal injury, loss of life, or property damage. Follow prime mover manufacturer’s instructions to start the prime mover. Table 4-1. Test Stand Tools Tool Description Application Test stand, Woodward P/N 205975 Drives governor, supplies oil under pressure and contains gauges for monitoring governor operation. Electronic Counter & Frequency Pickup To indicate governor drive speed. Must have an output of at least 60 Hz per revolution on a onesecond time base. Must indicate drive speed to within ±1 rpm. Readouts of display time must not exceed 5 seconds. Pressure Gauge (0 to 200 psi/0 to 1400 kPa) Check governor oil pressure.


 Attach a serration wrench to the speed setting shaft in addition to the normal linkage attachment to manually control engine speed with the serration wrench. Then fill the governor with oil (see Chapter 2, Oil Supply). The oil level must be to the mark on the oil sight glass. Close the needle valve and reopen it 1/2 to 3/4 turns (see Chapter 4, Compensation Adjustments) and set the compensation adjusting pointer at mid-point. If accurate tests and adjustments are to be made, it is best to use a test stand since it is difficult to make them when the governor is mounted on an engine. Contact Woodward for a copy of the test specification for each governor designation. The tools listed in Table 4-1 are optional and not absolutely necessary unless a large number of governors is being repaired. The pressure gauge, however, is always needed to check operating oil pressure.