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Governor Field Repairs Replacement of output shaft and drive shaft seals and bearings can be done in the field. Refer to Figures 5-1 and 5-2 and to Tables 5-3 and 5-4 for a listing of common bench tools and normal field repair tools. These tools are not considered to be essential. They do, however, make replacement of seals and bearings more convenient. Tools can be ordered from Woodward. See Chapter 8 for contact information. Include the following information: • The tool description. • The tool number or part number of the tool required. • The manual number (this is manual 03036). Removal of Governor from Engine To replace a governor on the engine, or to replace seals or bearings on the governor, remove the governor from the engine as follows: Use care in handling and resting the governor on the work area. Do not strike or rest the governor on the end of the drive shaft as damage may result to the drive shaft, oil seal, bearing, or other internal parts or surfaces. Set the governor on wooden block(s) to protect the drive shaft when performing any maintenance operation. 1. Drain oil from the governor and install the drain plug again. Some governors are equipped with a drain cock for draining. 2. Clean exterior surfaces using a cloth moistened with cleaning solvent. 3. Disconnect auxiliary device wiring and pneumatic or hydraulic tubing connections if applicable.


Please refer to the prime mover manufacturer’s handbook for the correct linkage selection and installation. The torque vs. throttle position curve for a gas or gasoline engine which is controlled through a butterfly valve is always very non-linear. When adapting a governor to this type of engine, If the linkage is made linear, operation at idle and light loads is never very stable. The proper procedure for adapting a governor to this engine with the butterfly valve is to make the linkage so that it requires greater movement of the governor per increment of butterfly movement at light loads than it does at high loads. This linkage tends to linearize the relation between engine developed torque and governor output shaft position (see Figure 1-4). The chart below shows a satisfactory angular position of the governor output shaft for different openings of the butterfly valve in order to have a more stable operation at idle and at light loads. Table 5-1. Governor Output Shaft Travel vs. Butterfly Valve Travel


Let the governor hunt for a minute or two, then stop the engine and drain the governor. Flush the governor once again. Refill the governor with oil (see Chapter 2, Oil Supply). Restart the engine and reset the compensation adjustment and needle valve. 6. Check that the drive to the governor Is correctly aligned and free of roughness, side loading, and excessive backlash. Be prepared to make an emergency shutdown when starting the engine, turbine, or other type of prime mover, to protect against runaway or overspeed with possible personal injury, loss of life, or property damage. Additional Information for Steam Turbines, Gas and Gasoline Engines The engine torque versus throttle position for a steam turbine gives a wide variety of non-linear relations. Each type must be compensated for with the correct compensating linkage to bring the governor output shaft movement back Into a near linear relation with the prime mover torque output.