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MVI56-MBP提供三个安全级别:· GUEST:不需要用户登录帐户。· 项目:您必须以具有项目权限的用户身份登录· 管理员。您必须以具有管理员权限的用户身份登录。下表介绍了需要安全权限的功能。位置功能权限要求状态栏设置模式项目配置编辑器所有功能项目管理所有功能管理员管理/用户没有管理员权限就无法查看此页面当您收到新模块时,它会配置一个具有管理员权限(完全访问所有模块功能)的默认用户。用户名:admin密码:admin配置您的用户和管理员帐户后,您应该删除默认的“MVI56-MBP”用户以获得额外的安全性。如果您忘记了用户名和/或密码,您可以重置管理员设置跳线(MVI56-MBP)。如果您已删除默认管理员用户,则默认管理员用户将恢复为具有管理员权限。扫描仪模式扫描仪模式控制触发器的扫描(MVI56-MBP)和设备之间的数据传输。扫描仪可以处于以下模式之一:· 在STOP(停止)模式下,触发器不被扫描,并且没有任何接口处于活动状态。只有当发生严重错误时,扫描仪才会进入“停止”模式。您不能自己将扫描仪置于“停止”模式。

MVI56-MBP模块可以从互联网上的SNTP时间服务器或与MVI56-MBP位于同一机架中的ControlLogix处理器获取时间信号。MVI56-MBP还可以在定义为设备的ControlLogix、CompactLogix和FlexLogix处理器上设置时间。字段描述时区选择模块的时区。源模块可以轮询一个或多个源以获取时间信号。时间源指定时间同步的IP地址。模块将尝试按指定的顺序与这些源中的每一个同步,直到成功为止。MVI56-MBP是模块等待从每个源接收时间信号的秒数。目的地选择将与模块上的时间同步的其他设备。此列表中的项目源自您在配置编辑器中定义的设备。频率指定模块接收和发送时间同步的频率。当模块切换到运行时,将启动时间同步周期。单击“保存”按钮将时间设置保存到模块中。手动时间设置设置时间和日期,然后单击设置手动时间按钮。要将模块上的时间和日期与本地计算机上的时间同步,请单击“同步当前时间”按钮。审核日志是自模块首次启动以来发生的操作系统事件的按时间顺序排列的日志。审核日志每页显示50条记录,顺序是从最新的顶部到最旧的底部。审核日志记录以下类型的事件:· 更改模块的操作模式· 修改配置· 更改事件日志级别· 重新初始化模块· 备份配置· 正在恢复配置· 更新模块· 其他不太频繁的系统事件操作说明下一步50单击Next 50按钮查看当前50个事件开始显示之前发生的50个事件。前50单击前50按钮查看当前50个事件开始显示后发生的50个事件。

Reinitializing the module · Backing up the configuration · Restoring the configuration · Updating the module · Other less frequent system events Operation Description Next 50 Click the NEXT 50 button to view the 50 events that occurred prior to the current 50 events begin displayed. Previous 50 Click the PREVIOUS 50 button to view the 50 events that occurred after the current 50 events begin displayed.The MVI56-MBP provides three levels of security: · GUEST: No user login account is required. · PROJECT: You must be logged in as a user with Project privilege · MVI56-MBP. You must be logged in as a user with Administrator privilege.The following table describes functions that require security privilege. Location Function Privilege Required Status Bar Set Mode Project Configuration Editor All Functions Project Administration All Functions Administrator Administration/Users This page cannot be viewed without Administrator privilege When you receive a new module, it comes configured with one default user who has Administrator privileges (full access to all module functions).MVI56-MBP


Frequency Specify how often the module will receive and send time synchronization.MVI56-MBP A Time Sync cycle will be started when the module is switched to Run. Click the SAVE button to save your Time settings to the module. Manual Time Set Set the time and date, and then click the SET MVI56-MBPTIME button. To synchronize the time and date on the module to the time and date on your local computer, click the SYNC CURRENT TIME button.The audit log is a chronological log of operational system events that have occurred since the module was first started. The audit log displays 50 records per page, in order from newest, at the top, to oldest, at the bottom. The Audit Log records the following types of events: · Changing the module's operational mode ·MVI56-MBP Modifying the configuration · Changing the event log level


The MVI56-MBP module can acquire a time signal from an SNTP time server on the Internet, or from the ControlLogix processor in the same rack with the MVI56-MBP. The MVI56-MBP can also set the time on ControlLogix, CompactLogix, and FlexLogix processors defined as Devices.Field Description Timezone Select the time zone for the module. Source The module can poll one or more sources for a time signal. MVI56-MBP specify the IP addresses for the time synchronization. The module will attempt to synchronize with each of these sources in the specified order until it is successful. MVI56-MBP is the number of seconds the module will wait to receive the time signal from each source. Destination Select other devices that will be synchronized to the time on the module. The items on this list are derived from the devices you have defined in the Configuration Editor.