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扫描仪模式扫描仪模式控制触发器的扫描(第48页)和设备之间的数据传输。扫描仪可以处于以下模式之一:· 在STOP(停止)模式下,触发器不被扫描,并且没有任何接口处于活动状态。只有当发生严重错误时,MVI56-MCM扫描仪才会进入“停止”模式。您不能自己将扫描仪置于“停止”模式。· 在IDLE模式下,触发器不被扫描,但接口处于活动状态。在空闲模式下,您可以使用配置编辑器配置扫描仪。· 在RUN(运行)模式下,将扫描触发器,并激活接口。基于触发器逻辑在控制器之间主动传输数据。当扫描仪处于运行模式时,您无法对其进行配置。您必须以Project或Administrator权限登录到模块才能更改扫描仪模式。要更改扫描仪模式,MVI56-MCM请单击页面底部状态栏上的IDLE(空闲)或RUN(运行)按钮。下图显示了处于IDLE(怠速)模式的ILX56-MM。“配置编辑器”选项卡分为两个窗格。· 左侧窗格是“接口”、“传输列表”和“触发器”的树状视图。单击每个对象旁边的[+]图标以展开或折叠树状视图。

 MVI56-MCMIDLE模式下,触发器不被扫描,但接口处于活动状态。在空闲模式下,您可以使用配置编辑器配置扫描仪。· 在RUN(运行)模式下,将扫描触发器,并激活接口。基于触发器逻辑在控制器之间主动传输数据。当扫描仪处于运行模式时,您无法对其进行配置。您必须以Project或Administrator权限登录到模块才能更改扫描仪模式。要更改扫描仪模式,请单击页面底部状态栏上的IDLE(空闲)或RUN(运行)按钮。下图显示了处于IDLE(怠速)模式的MVI56-MCM。·MVI56-MCM配置您的用户和管理员帐户后,您应该删除默认的“admin”用户以获得额外的安全性。如果您忘记了用户名和/或密码,您可以重置管理员设置跳线(MVI56-MCM)。如果您已删除默认管理员用户,则默认管理员用户将恢复为具有管理员权限。

Devices Physical objects (bridges) linking a controller to one of the Interfaces. See Interfaces and Devices (MVI56-MCM). Tags Individual data objects in the controllers that can be transferred to another controller. See Tags (MVI56-MCM). Triggers Define when to transfer data from one Interface (programmable controller) to another. See Triggers (MVI56-MCM).MVI56-MCM Transfer lists Define what data to transfer between Devices. See Transfer Lists (page 47)To use the Configuration Editor, expand the Tree View (left pane), and then select the object to edit. · Click the NEW button on the toolbar to create a new object under the selected object. · Click the EDIT button to view or modify the selected object. Or, you can double-click the selected object in the tree view. · Click the DELETE button to delete the selected object. Or, select an object and then press the [DEL] key to Delete (permanently remove) the object.To use the Configuration Editor, expand the Tree View (left pane), and then select the object to edit. · Click the NEW button on the toolbar to create a new object under the selected object.


 In RUN mode, Triggers are scanned and the Interfaces are active. Data is actively transferred between controllers based on Trigger logic.MVI56-MCM You cannot configure the scanner while it is in Run mode. You must be logged into the module with Project or Administrator privilege to change the scanner mode. To change the scanner mode, click the IDLE or RUN buttons on the status bar at the bottom of the page. The following illustration shows the ILX56-MM in IDLE mode.The Configuration Editor tab is divided into two panes. ·MVI56-MCM The left pane is a tree view of Interfaces, Transfer Lists and Triggers. Click the [+] icon next to each object to expand or collapse the tree view. ·MVI56-MCM The right pane shows the properties of objects you select in the tree view. The following table describes the types of objects you can configure. Name Description Interfaces Physical objects located in slots in the ControlLogix rack, or physical objects connected to ports on the module.


Username: admin Password: admin After configuring your user and administrator accounts, you should delete the default "admin" user for additional security. If you forget your username and/or password you can reset the admin Setup Jumper (page 12).MVI56-MCM If you have deleted the default admin user, the default admin user will be restored with Administrator privilege.Scanner Modes The scanner mode controls the scanning of Triggers (page 48) and the transfer of data between Devices. The scanner can be in one of the following modes: ·MVI56-MCM In STOP mode, Triggers are not scanned and none of the Interfaces are active. The scanner only goes into Stop mode when a serious error has occurred. You cannot put the scanner into Stop mode yourself. ·MVI56-MCM In IDLE mode, Triggers are not scanned but the Interfaces are active. In Idle mode, you can configure the scanner using the Configuration Editor.