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 对于MVI56-PDPMV1,将枚举控制器中的实际标记。从该枚举中,用户可以选择要在模块中引用的标记。另请参见“新建标记”对话框(ControlLogix/CompactLogix/Flex Logix)。· 对于PLC 5、MicroLogix和SLC处理器,创建标记是为了访问控制器文件(PLC 5、Micro Logix和SL C)中的各种索引。另请参见“新建标记”对话框(PLC 5、MicroLogix和SLC)。MVI56-PDPMV1· 对于西门子S7和施耐德电气量子PLC,标签参考必须由用户输入。不支持自动枚举。另请参阅“新建标记”对话框(西门子S7)和“新建标记(Schneider Electric Quantum PLC)”对话框。您必须以具有Project或Administrator权限的用户身份登录才能修改模块的数据传输配置。另请参见配置编辑器。3.3.1内部诊断标签此选项允许您设置传输列表,现在可以使用传输列表中使用的其他诊断标签将这些列表传输到其他接口设备。有关如何使用这些标记的其他信息,请参阅传输内部诊断标记。您可以使用ControlLogix、CompactLogix和FlexLogix NEW TAG对话框将标记的参考添加到模块的配置中。要打开“新建标记”对话框,请在配置编辑器树中的ControlLogix、CompactLogix或FlexLogix控制器下选择TAGS节点,然后单击工具栏上的“新建”按钮。当该对话框首次出现时,“标记”树中不会显示任何标记。对话框顶部是一个名为“标记过滤器”的编辑框。MVI56-PDPMV1输入标记的过滤器,然后单击“获取标记”按钮或按[Enter]键。所有与指定筛选器匹配的标记都将加载到标记树中。或者,要获取所MVI56-PDPMV1有标记,请将标记过滤器留空,然后单击“获取标记”按钮或按[ENTER]键。另请参阅标记过滤器(第72页)。将与过滤器匹配的标记加载到标记树中后,选择一个标记。MVI56-PDPMV1

如果选中“只读”复选框MVI56-PDPMV1,则不能将此标记用作传输列表中的目的地。选择“标记”节点后,可以从控制器中添加或删除标记。单击“新建”创建新标记。单击“删除”按钮删除选定的标记。· 对于ControlLogix PAC,将枚举控制器中的实际标记。从该枚举中,用户可以选择要在模块中引用的标记。另请参见“新建标记”对话框(ControlLogix/CompactLogix/Flex Logix)。· 对于PLC 5、MicroLogix和SLC处理器,创建标记是为了访问控制器文件(PLC 5、Micro Logix和SL C)中的各种索引。另请参见“新建标记”对话框(PLC 5、MicroLogix和SLC)。· 对于西门子S7和施耐德电气量子PLC,标签参考必须由用户输入。不支持自动枚举。MVI56-PDPMV1另请参阅“新建标记”对话框(西门子S7)和“新建标记(Schneider Electric Quantum PLC)”对话框。您必须以具有Project或Administrator权限的用户身份登录才能修改模块的数据传输配置。另请参见配置编辑器。3.3.1内部诊断标签此选项允许您设置传输列表,现在可以使用传输列表中使用的其他诊断标签将这些列表传输到其他接口设备。有关如何使用这些标记的其他信息,请参阅传输内部诊断标记。MVI56-PDPMV1标记可以创建和删除,但不能修改。在“配置编辑器”树中,每个控制器都包含一个名为“标记”的节点。当您选择任何控制器下的“标记”节点时,将在内容窗格中显示一个表,其中包含当前为该控制器定义的所有标记。标记的读/写状态在最后一列中显示为“只读”复选框。如果选中“只读”复选框,则不能将此标记用作传输列表中的目的地。选择“标记”节点后,可以从控制器中添加或删除标记。单击“新建”创建新标记。单击“删除”按钮删除选定的标记。MVI56-PDPMV1

For example,MVI56-PDPMV1 selecting Holding Register with an offset of 00180 would produce a final address of 400180. Data Type The desired format for accessing the data. Register/coil types of coil and input bit can only be accessed as byte_bools. Registers may be accessed as one of the following: § Int16 - 16-bit Signed Integers § Int32 - 32-bit Signed Long Integers § Uint16 - 16-bit Unsigned Integers § Uint32 - 32-bit Unsigned Long Integers § Float32 - 32-bit Floating Point Number of Elements The number of elements to be accessedMVI56-PDPMV1 This allows for array transfers.MVI56-PDPMV1


 you select the Tags node under a Schneider Electric Quantum PLC controller in the Configuration Editor tree and then click the NEW button on the toolbarParameter Description Tag Name The desired name of the tag and is completely at the discretion of the user.MVI56-PDPMV1 It is suggested that it resemble the tag as it is labeled in the Schneider Electric Quantum controller. Register/Coil The desired area of the state RAM to be accessed. The four areas are Coils (0x0000), Input Status bits (1x0000), Input register (3x0000), and Holding Register (4x0000). Each area designation is followed by the most significant digit of the Concept (direct) address, shown in parenthesis. Offset The desired offset, within the state RAM, MVI56-PDPMV1 of the data to be accessed. This, coupled with the register/coil selection, will determine the complete address of the data to be accessed.


Click DONE to close the New Tag dialog box.When the dialog box first comes up, the location tree is loaded with Tag locations within the controller. For a PLC5, MicroLogix or SLC, these are file references. Select a Tag location in the location tree. The File Address,MVI56-PDPMV1 Data Type and Name, associated with the Tag are displayed on the right hand side of the NEW TAG dialog box. You can modify the name of the tag to a Tag name that is meaningful to you. You can modify the number of elements to specify how many data items at this location will be associated with this tag. When number of elements is greater than 1 this Tag will be handled as an array. Click the ADD button to add the Tag to module's configuration. Click DONE to close the PLC5, MicroLogix and SLC NEW TAG dialog boxUse the Modbus TCP/IP New Tag dialog box to add Tags from a Schneider Electric Quantum PLC (Unity or Concept) controller to the module's configuration.MVI56-PDPMV1 To open the Modbus TCP/IP New Tag dialog box,