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标志位输入所需位置的标志位存储器中的字节偏移量。计时器和计数器输入所需计时器或计数器的编号。数据块输入所需数据块的编号。位ID数据元素中所需的位数。数据类型访问数据所需的格式。此字段取决于所选的地址类型。某些地址类型的访问权限有限,如果特定的数据类型不适用于所选的地址类型,则会显示为灰色。字符串大小要访问的字符串的大小。输入S7 PLC中定义的字符串的确切大小。这仅适用于STRING的地址类型。MVI69-AFC(传输列表)是指定可编程控制器之间要传输的数据的传输列表。传输列表包含传输列表的唯一名称、一组传输和传输错误选项。传输时错误指定扫描仪处理传输的方式。传输错误时包括以下错误选项:MVI69-AFC参数描述任何传输错误时中止传输列表。Continue中止生成错误的传输,但继续执行传输列表。重试(默认值)重试生成错误的传输,直到成功为止。传输指定一个源和一个目标,包括一个序列号、等待指示符和更改时传输指示符。MVI69-AFC指定要从中读取数据的标记,或者指定数字或字符串文字常量。目的地指定将数据传输到的标记。序列号决定传输的执行顺序。如果“等待”指示器处于启用状态,则指定传输列表将等待所有以前的传输完成后再开始此传输。

该区域的S7符号(IEC)为“Q”。此内存是只读的,用于模块访问。外围输入输入模块的实际物理硬件。MVI69-AFC该区域的S7符号(IEC)为“PI”。此区域是只读的,用于模块访问。标志位用于存储PLC程序中计算的临时结果的存储器。该区域的S7符号(IEC)为“M”。此内存是为模块访问而读/写的。计时器包含S7 PLC中计时器的累加器的存储器。计时器的S7符号(IEC)为“T”。此内存是只读的,用于模块访问,其格式为BCD。该数字表示计时器已激活的毫秒数,最大值为3999。计数器包含S7中计数器的累加器的存储器。计数器的S7符号(IEC)为“C”。此内存是只读的,用于模块访问,其格式为BCD。该数字表示计数器的累积值,因为计数器一直处于活动状态,最大值为999。·参数描述数据块包含S7 PLC程序信息的存储器。它们可能包含以下数据类型:BOOL、BYTE、WORD、DWORD、INT、DINT、REAL、S5TIME、DATE、TIME、TIME_OF_DAY、CHAR、DATE_AND_TIME、STRING或ARRAY。S7 PLC或步骤7编程软件文档中应提供这些数据类型的说明。MVI69-AFC此内存是为模块访问而读/写的。DB编号要访问的所需数据块的编号。仅当选择的地址类型为数据块(DB)时,此字段才有效。MVI69-AFC偏移相关的地址类型元素所需的偏移量/数量。以下是该字段对每种地址类型的含义的描述:输入、外围输入和输出输入所需I/O模块的插槽号。

MVI69-AFC Data Conversion During Transfers When the data type of a Source is different from the data type of the Destination, the Source is converted to the data type of the Base Data Type Conversion Rules (page 74). When you are transferring data from one array to another, the dimensions of the arrays must match in total number of elements. The members are all type-converted, if required, according to the Base Data Type Conversion Rules. PLC 5, SLC and MicroLogix Tags that specify Number of Elements greater than 1 are treated as array. If the Source and Destination are Structures (UDTs), the Source and Destination structure members are matched by name. If a Source member does not exist in the Destination, the Source member is ignored.MVI69-AFC If a Destination member does not exist in the Source, the transfer is not allowed. The Base Data Type Conversion Rules apply to the matched members,


MVI69-AFC The Wait indicator, if turned on, specifies that the Transfer List will wait for all previous transfers to complete before starting this transfer. The Transfer on Change indicator, if turned on, indicates that the transfer will occur whenever the source data changes. If the Transfer on Change option is selected, the source data has not changed since the last Transfer List execution, and the source data is less than 10 seconds old, the Transfer destination tag will not be written.MVI69-AFC This optimization can improve performance when writing to slow networks. When specifying a string constant in the Source, the string constant must begin and end with a single quote and cannot contain a single quote or double quote as part of the string to be transferred.


MVI69-AFC Certain Address Types have limited access and particular Data Types will be grayed out if not applicable to the selected Address Type. String Size The size of the string to be accessed. Enter the exact size of the string as it is defined in the S7 PLC. This is only applicable to an Address Type of STRING.  A TRANSFER LIST is a list of Transfers that specify what data is to be transferred between the programmable controllers. A Transfer List contains a unique name for the Transfer List, a set of Transfers, and an On Transfer Error option. The On Transfer Error specifies how the scanner will handle a transfer. On Transfer Error includes the following error options: Parameter Description Abort Abort Transfer List on any Transfer error. Continue Abort the Transfer that generated the error, but continue Transfer List execution.MVI69-AFC Retry (default) Retry the Transfer that generated the error until it succeeds. A Transfer specifies a Source and a Destination and includes a Sequence Number, Wait indicator, and a Transfer on Change indicator.MVI69-AFC The Source specifies the Tag to read the data from or a numeric or string literal constant. The Destination specifies the Tag where the data will be transferred to. The Sequence Number determines the order of execution of the Transfers.