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因此,如果“MVI69E-MBS”是数字Source成员和字符串MVI69E-MBS成员,则在传输过程中会应用数字到字符串的转换。成员数组维度的总元素计数必须完全匹配。编辑传输列表传输列表可以在配置编辑器中创建、修改和删除。在“配置编辑器”树中选择“传输列表”节点。内容窗格将显示一个包含所有传输列表的表。单击“新建”创建一个新的传输列表。单击“编辑”以编辑选定的传输列表。单击DELETE(删除)删除选定的Transfer List(传输列表)。您也可以通过双击配置编辑器树或内容窗格中的传输列表来编辑传输列表。3.4.3转移列表的执行转移列表中的转移按序列号指定的顺序执行。选择传输列表时,工具栏按钮允许您按执行顺序向上或向下移动传输。如果您选择一个MVI69E-MBS,然后单击NEW(新建)按钮,则会在所选Transfer之前添加新MVI69E-MBS。如果在未选择转账的情况下添加新的转账,则新的转账将添加到列表的末尾。3.5触发器触发器定义数据何时从一个可编程控制器传输到另一个。触发器包含以下属性。参数描述名称唯一标识触发器的名称。类型指定触发器的激发方式。此值是固定的,不能修改。扫描周期对触发器进行评估的速率。条件触发器触发的条件。MVI69E-MBS条件可以是以下任意一种。

·“更改时传输”指示器如果启用,则表示只要源数据发生更改,就会进行传输。MVI69E-MBS如果选择了“更改时传输”选项,则源数据自上次执行传输列表以来没有更改,并且源数据的存在时间不到10秒,则不会写入传输目标标记。这种优化可以提高写入慢速网络时的性能。在Source中指定字符串常量时,字符串常量必须以单引号开始和结束,并且不能包含单引号或双引号作为要传输的字符串的一部分。3.4.1.传输期间的数据转换当来源的数据类型与目的地的数据类型不同时,来源将转换为基本数据类型转换规则的数据类型(第74页)。将数据从一个数组传输到另一个数组时,数组的维度必须在元素总数上匹配。如果需要,将根据“基本数据类型转换规则”对所有成员进行类型转换。指定元素数大于1的PLC 5、SLC和MicroLogix标记将被视为阵列。如果源和目标是结构(UDT),MVI69E-MBS则源和目标结构成员的名称匹配。如果目标中不存在源成员,则忽略该源成员。如果源中不存在MVI69E-MBS成员,则不允许进行传输。基本数据类型转换规则适用于匹配的成员,因此,如果“MVI69E-MBS”是数字源成员和字符串目标成员,则在传输过程中应用数字到字符串的转换。成员数组维度的总元素计数必须完全匹配。

BAND (Bitwise AND) Fires when Compare Value 1 bitwise ANDed with Compare Value 2 is non zero. ELT, ELTE, EGT, EGTE, EEQ, ENEQ, EBAND These conditions are the same as the conditions above, except that these conditions are edge trigger conditions.MVI69E-MBS They only fire once when the condition evaluates to true. The trigger will fire again once, when the condition evaluates to false and then changes again to true.Parameter Description Tolerance Optional comparison Tolerance value (numeric constant). § Ignored for ALWAYS, NEVER, CHANGE, BAND, and EBAND conditions. § Used as hysteresis value for LT, LTE, GT, GTE, ELT, ELTE, EGT, and EGTE conditions. § Used as range for EQ, NEQ, EEQ, and ENEQ conditions. 3.5.1 Hysteresis Example ·MVI69E-MBS Compare Value 1 = Tag1 · Condition = EGT · Compare Value 2 = 212.0 · Tolerance = 12.0 ·MVI69E-MBS Trigger fires once when Tag1 > 212.0. 


If you add a new Transfer while no Transfers are selected, the new Transfer will be added to the end of the list.MVI69E-MBS 3.5 Triggers Triggers define when the data is transferred from one programmable controller to another. A Trigger contains the following attributes. Parameter Description Name The Name that uniquely identifies the Trigger. Type Specifies how the Trigger fires. This value is fixed and cannot be modified. Scan Period The rate at which the Trigger will be evaluated. Condition The Condition under which the Trigger will fire. Condition can be any of the following. Parameter Description ALWAYS Always fires. NEVER Never fires. CHANGE Fires on change of state. LT Fires when Compare Value 1 < Compare Value 2. LTE Fires when Compare Value 1 <= Compare Value 2. GT Fires when Compare Value 1 > Compare Value 2. GTE Fires when Compare Value 1 >= Compare Value 2. EQ Fires when Compare Value 1 = Compare Value 2.MVI69E-MBS NEQ Fires when Compare Value 1 <> Compare Value 2.MVI69E-MBS


so, if "MVI69E-MBS" is a numeric Source member and a string Destination member, a number to string conversion is applied during the transfer. Member array dimension total element counts must match exactly.Editing Transfer Lists Transfer Lists can be created, modified, and deleted in the Configuration Editor. Select the Transfer Lists node in the Configuration Editor tree. The content pane will display a table containing all of the Transfer Lists. Click NEW to create a new Transfer List. Click EDIT to edit the selected Transfer List. Click DELETE to delete the selected Transfer List. You can also edit a Transfer List by double clicking on the Transfer List in the Configuration Editor tree or in the content pane. MVI69E-MBSExecution of Transfer Lists The Transfers in the Transfer List are executed in the order specified by the Sequence Number. When you select a Transfer List, the toolbar buttons allow you to move the Transfers up or down in the order of execution. If you select a Transfer and then click the NEW button, the new Transfer will be added BEFORE the selected Transfer.