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MVI69E-MBTCP 如果“触发器条件”的计算结果为TRUE(非零),则触发并执行任何相关的传输列表。如果指定了多个传输列表,它们将同时执行。触发器激发后,它将被禁用,直到所有指定的传输列表都完成为止。多个触发器可以同时触发单个传输列表。如果异步触发器尝试激发当前正在执行的传输列表,则传输列表将被标记为挂起,并在完成后立即重新启动。关联的触发器将被禁用,直到挂起的传输列表开始并完成。如果在读取触发器比较值1或比较值2标记时发生错误,则该错误将被置于活动错误列表中,记录该错误,MVI69E-MBTCP 并且触发器将被禁用一段时间(通常为5秒,以防止错误记录过多)。如果或当重试读取失败的比较值1/比较值2成功时,活动错误将被清除,但日志条目将保留。Tag1<=(212.0-12.0)时触发臂。· 当Tag1>212.0时,触发器再次触发。3.5.2量程示例· 比较值1=标记1· 条件=EQ· 比较值2=212.0· 公差=2.0· 当210.0<=Tag1<=214.0 3.5.3触发器扫描触发器由扫描仪以“扫描周期”属性指定的速率进行评估时,触发器会触发。MVI69E-MBTCP 如果“触发器条件”的计算结果为TRUE(非零),则触发并执行任何相关的传输列表。如果指定了多个传输列表,它们将同时执行。MVI69E-MBTCP 触发器激发后,它将被禁用,直到所有指定的传输列表都完成为止。MVI69E-MBTCP 多个触发器可以同时触发单个传输列表。如果异步触发器尝试激发当前正在执行MVI69E-MBTCP的传输列表,则传输列表将被标记为挂起MVI69E-MBTCP并在完成后立即重新启动。

 MVI69E-MBTCP参数说明始终激发。永远不要开火。CHANGE在状态更改时激发。当比较值1<比较值2时,LT激发。当比较值1<=比较值2时,LTE激发。当比较值1>比较值2时,GT激发。当比较值1>=比较值2时,GTE激发。当比较值1=比较值2时,EQ激发。当比较值1<>比较值2时,NEQ激发。当比较值1与比较值2按位“与”为非零时,激发BAND(按位“和”)。ELT、ELTE、EGT、EGTE、EEQ、ENEQ、EBAND这些条件与上述条件相同,只是这些条件是边缘触发条件。当条件评估为true时,它们只触发一次。当条件求值为false,然后再次更改为true时,触发器将再次触发。参数描述容差可选比较容差值(数字常量)。MVI69E-MBTCP对于ALWAYS、NEVER、CHANGE、BAND和EBAND条件忽略。§ 用作LT、LTE、GT、GTE、ELT、ELTE、EGT和EGTE条件的滞后值。§ 用作EQ、NEQ、EEQ和ENEQ条件的范围。3.5.1滞后示例· 比较值1=标记1· 条件=EGT· 比较值2=212.0· 公差=12.0· 当Tag1>212.0时触发一次。· Tag1<=(212.0-12.0)时触发臂。· 当Tag1>212.0时,触发器再次触发。3.5.2量程示例· 比较值1=标记1· 条件=EQ· 比较值2=212.0· 公差=2.0· 当210.0<=Tag1<=214.0 3.5.3 MVI69E-MBTCP 触发器扫描触发器由扫描仪以“扫描周期”属性指定的速率进行评估时,触发器会触发。

MVI69E-MBTCP When you close the browser, the Configuration Tool will automatically log you out. However, if the browser crashes or locks up, it will be unable to automatically log you out. In this scenario, a 10-minute timer keeps the user logged in. After the 10-minute period elapses, the user login will be released and you can log in again.There are times when you will be unable to log in to the module. This occurs when another user is logged in to the module or when you are logged in to the module from another browser. You must wait until the other user logs out before you can log in to the module. When you close the browser, the Configuration Tool will automatically log you out. However, if the browser crashes or locks up, it will be unable to automatically log you out. In this scenario, a 10-minute timer keeps the user logged in MVI69E-MBTCPAfter the 10-minute period elapses, the user login will be released and you can log in again.


MVI69E-MBTCP·the error will be logged, and the Trigger will be disabled for a period (usually 5 seconds, to prevent excessive error logging). If or when a retry of the failed Compare Value 1 / Compare Value 2 read succeeds, the active error will be cleared, but the log entry will remain.There are several ways to verify that the ILX56-MM module is communicating with the processor and the network: · View Data Transfer Viewing Data Transfer Statistics in the ILX56-MM Module (page 51) · View Trigger Viewing Trigger Statistics in the ILX56-MM Module (page 52) · View the tags in the Viewing Controller Tags (page 52).Viewing Controller Tags If the ILX56-MM module is communicating successfully on the network, you should be able to see the tag values changing in the programming software for each processor.MVI69E-MBTCP If the data transfer is taking place correctly, you should be able to locate and monitor the tags, data files, or memory addresses in the processor that correspond to the tags you configured in the ILX56-MM.There are times when you will be unable to log in to the module. This occurs when another user is logged in to the module or when you are logged in to the module from another browser. You must wait until the other user logs out before you can log in to the module. 


MVI69E-MBTCP Trigger arms when Tag1 <= (212.0-12.0). · Trigger fires again once when Tag1 > 212.0. 3.5.2 Range Example · Compare Value 1 = Tag1 · Condition = EQ · Compare Value 2 = 212.0 · Tolerance = 2.0 · Trigger fires when 210.0 <= Tag1 <= 214.0 3.5.3 Trigger Scanning Triggers are evaluated by the scanner at the rate specified by the Scan Period attribute. If the Trigger Condition evaluates to TRUE (nonzero), the Trigger is fired and any associated Transfer Lists are executed. If multiple Transfer Lists are specified, they are executed simultaneously. After a Trigger fires, it is disabled until all of the specified Transfer Lists are completed. It is possible for multiple Triggers to simultaneously fire a single Transfer List.MVI69E-MBTCP If an asynchronous Trigger attempts to fire a currently executing Transfer List, the Transfer List will be marked as pending and restarted as soon as it completes. The associated Trigger will be disabled until the pending Transfer Lists start and complete. If an error occurs while reading the Trigger Compare Value 1, or Compare Value 2 tags, the error will be placed in the active error list