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有时您将无法登录到模块。当另一个用户登录到模块或您从另一个浏览器登录到模块时,会发生这种情况。您必须等到其他用户注销后才能登录到模块。当您关闭浏览器时,配置工具会自动将您注销。但是,如果浏览器崩溃或锁定,它将无法自动将您注销。在这种情况下,10分钟的计时器会让用户保持登录状态。10分钟后,用户登录将被释放,您可以再次登录。设置模式设置模式将模块的网络端口设置临时设置为默认值。设置模式还允许您重置默认的ADMIN密码。要进入设置模式,必须从MVI69-MCM机架上卸下模块。将设置模式跳线安装在设置跳线的背面(第12页)。然后将模块插回MVI69-MCM机架。模块现在处于设置模式,直到您卸下设置模式跳线。在设置模式下,模块的网络端口设置会临时设置为默认值。端口1设置为静态IP地址192.168.1.254。端口2设置为从DHCP服务器获取其IP。当您在模块处于设置模式时启动配置工具时,页面底部的状态栏上会显示一个红色指示灯。在此模式下,用户登录被禁用,用户可以使用所有管理员功能。要重置默认的“admin”密码,请单击状态栏上的reset admin password按钮。此操作将恢复默认的管理员用户和密码,并分配管理员权限。

关联的触发器将被禁用,直到挂起的传输列表开始并完成。如果在读取触发器比较值1或比较值2标记时发生错误,则该错误将被置于活动错误列表中,记录该错误,并且触发器将被禁用一段时间(通常为5秒,以防止错误记录过多)。如果或当重试读取失败的比较值1/比较值2成功时,活动错误将被清除,但日志条目将保留。有几种方法可以验证ILX56-MM模块是否与处理器和网络通信:· 查看数据传输查看MVI69-MCM模块中的数据传输统计信息(MVI69-MCM)· 查看触发器查看ILX56-MM模块中的触发器统计信息(MVI69-MCM)· 查看查看控制器标签(第52页MVI69-MCM)中的标签。查看控制器标记如果ILX56-MM模块在网络上成功通信,您应该能够在每个处理器的编程软件中看到标记值的变化。如果数据传输正确进行,您应该能够定位和监视处理器中与您在ILX56-MM中配置的标记相对应的标记、数据文件或内存地址。有时您将无法登录到模块。当另一个用户登录到模块或您从另一个浏览器登录到模块时,会发生这种情况。您必须等到其他用户注销后才能登录到模块。当您关闭浏览器时,配置工具会自动将您注销。但是,如果浏览器崩溃或锁定,它将无法自动将您注销。在这种情况下,10分钟的计时器会让用户保持登录状态。10分钟后,用户登录将被释放,您可以再次登录。

MVI69-MCM he Device Status page allows you to view the current device information. The device information includes the following. Parameter Description Name Name of the module. Description Description of the module. Location Location of the module. Contact The person responsible for the module. Serial Number The serial number of the module. MAC ID The MAC ID of the module. Release Level The release level of the module. The device information can be modified on the Administration/Device page.To view Runtime Status information for the module, click the STATUS tab, then click the RUNTIME tab. The DOWNLOAD CROSS REFERENCE button will generate an Excel cross reference report of all of the active tags, triggers, and transfer lists being used in the configuration. The file generated will be an XLS file (Excel 2000-2003). If you attempt to open this file with Excel 2007 you will receive an alert telling you the file is of a different format. If this occurs, click YES to Do you want to open this file? The Runtime Interfaces Status page contains a table that shows all of the Interfaces that are defined in the scanner along with information about each Interface.MVI69-MCM 


To reset the default "admin" password, click the RESET ADMIN PASSWORD button on the status bar. This action restores the default admin user and password,MVI69-MCM and assigns Administrator privilege. To reset the network port settings, go to the Network Settings (page 19). When you have finished resetting the network port settings and/or the default admin password, 1 Close your web browser.MVI69-MCM 2 Remove the module from the ControlLogix rack. 3 Remove the Setup Mode jumper. 4 Reinstall the module in the ControlLogix rack. 5.3 Status To view Status information for the module, click the STATUS tab. Status information can be viewed without logging in to the module. See also Device Status (page 55), Runtime Status (page 56), Event Logs (page 64), Chassis Status (page 65), and Resource Status (page 66).MVI69-MCM To open the DEVICE STATUS page, click the STATUS tab, and then click the DEVICE tab. T


 Setup Mode Setup Mode temporarily sets the module's network port settings to their default values. Setup Mode also allows you to reset the default ADMIN password.MVI69-MCM To go into Setup Mode, you must remove the module from the ControlLogix rack. Install the Setup Mode jumper on the back of the Setup Jumper (page 12). Then plug the module back into the ControlLogix rack.MVI69-MCM The module is now in Setup Mode until you remove the Setup Mode jumper.MVI69-MCM When in Setup Mode, the module's network port settings are temporarily set to their default values. Port 1 is set to a static IP address of Port 2 is set up to get its IP from a DHCP server. When you start the configuration tool while the module is in Setup Mode, a red indicator is displayed on the status bar at the bottom of the pageUser login is disabled in this mode and all Administrator functions are available to the user.