PROSOFT MVI69-MNET 多客户端网络接口模块

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PROSOFT MVI69-MNET 多客户端网络接口模块

运行时常规状态要打开“运行时常规状况”页面,请单击“状态”选项卡,然后单击“Runtime”选项卡,再单击“Status”选项卡。“运行时通用状态”页面将显示当前扫描仪模式、扫描仪处于当前模式的时间、扫描仪中活动的错误数以及扫描仪记录的错误数。要在查看“运行时常规状态”页面时更新状态,请单击REFRESH按钮。另请参阅状态(MVI69-MNET)和运行时状态(MVI69-MNET)。Runtime Interface Status要打开Runtime Interface Status页面,请单击Status选项卡,然后单击Runtime选项卡,MVI69-MNET再单击Interface选项卡。Runtime Interface Status页包含一个表,显示扫描仪中定义的所有接口以及每个接口的信息。关于每个接口的信息包括以下内容。参数描述计数指示接口已启动的次数。数据包重试计数指示数据包发送被重新发送到控制器的次数MVI69-MNET。数据包错误计数指示向控制器发送数据包时发生错误的次数。标记访问计数控制器中的标记被访问(读取或写入)的总次数。MVI69-MNET 标记访问错误计数在控制器中读取或写入标记时发生的错误总数。错误状态标志驱动程序或设备中出现的当前错误编号。当它们没有错误时,这将被清除。

要重置网络端口设置,请转至网络设置(第19页)。重置完网络端口设置和/或默认管理员密码后,1关闭web浏览器。2从ControlLogix机架上卸下模块。3拆下设置模式跳线。4将模块重新安装到ControlLogix机架中。5.3状态要查看模块的状态信息,请单击状态选项卡。无需登录模块即可查看状态信息。另请参阅设备状态(第55页)、运行时状态(第56页)、事件日志(第64页)、机箱状态(第65页)和资源状态(第66页)。要打开设备状态页面,请单击状态选项卡,然后单击设备选项卡。设备状态页面允许您查看当前设备信息。设备信息包括以下内容。参数描述名称模块的名称。说明模块的说明。位置模块的位置。联系模块负责人。序列号模块的序列号。MAC ID模块的MAC ID。发布级别模块的发布级别。可以在“管理/设备”页面上修改设备信息。要查看模块的运行时状态信息,请单击Status选项卡,然后单击Runtime选项卡。DOWNLOAD CROSS REFERENCE按钮将生成配置中使用的所有活动标记、触发器和传输列表的Excel交叉引用报告。生成的文件将是XLS文件(Excel 2000-2003)。如果您试图用Excel 2007打开此文件,您将收到一条警告,告诉您该文件的格式不同。如果出现这种情况,请单击“是”以打开此文件吗?“运行时接口状态”页面包含一个表,该表显示扫描仪中定义的所有接口以及每个接口的信息。有关每个接口的信息包括在以下主题中。

The Runtime Triggers Status page contains a table that shows all of the Triggers that are defined in the scanner along with information about each Trigger. The information about each Trigger includes the following. Parameter Description Count Indicates the number of times the Trigger has fired. Error Indicates the number of Trigger evaluation I/O errors. Execution (Exe) Statistics are recorded only when the trigger fires. This is the time from Trigger Condition evaluation start to when the last triggered transfer list is complete. Parameter Description Exe Average Average in milliseconds of the last 16 Trigger execution times. Exe Min Minimum Trigger execution time in milliseconds. Exe Max Maximum Trigger execution time in milliseconds


Packet Retry Count Indicates the number of times a packet send was re-sent to the controller. Packet Error Count Indicates the number of times an error occurred sending a packet to the controller. Tag Access Count the total number of times that the tags in the controller have been accessed ( read or write). Tag Access Error Count The total number of errors that have occurred in while reading or writing tags in the controller. Error State Flag the current error number occurring in the driver or device. This gets cleared when their is no error. Details A string that describes the last error that occurred in the driver or device. This does NOT get cleared when the error goes away.Runtime Triggers Status To open the Runtime Triggers Status page, click the STATUS tab, then click the RUNTIME tab, then click the TRIGGERS tab. 


 The information about each Interface is included the following topics. Runtime General Status To open the Runtime General Status page, click the STATUS tab, and then click the RUNTIME tab, then click the STATUS tab. The Runtime General Status page will show you the current scanner mode, the time that the scanner has been in the current mode, the number of errors active in the scanner, and the number of errors logged by the scanner. To update the status while viewing the Runtime General Status page, click the REFRESH button. See also Status (page 54), and Runtime Status (page 56). Runtime Interface Status To open the Runtime Interface Status page, click the STATUS tab, then click the RUNTIME tab, then click the INTERFACE tab. The Runtime Interface Status page contains a table that shows all of the Interfaces that are defined in the scanner along with information about each Interface. The information about each Interface includes the following. Parameter Description Count Indicates the number of times the Interface has fired.