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参数描述最近16个触发器周期时间的平均周期(以毫秒为单位)。MVI69-PDPMV1最小触发循环时间(以毫秒为单位)。Cycle Max最大触发循环时间(以毫秒为单位)。错误状态标志这是在第一次遇到错误时设置的,并在下一次成功完成传输列表时清除。比较标记1提供详细的状态信息,如错误计数、最近的错误和错误历史记录。比较标记2提供详细的状态信息,如错误计数、最近的错误和错误历史记录。要在查看“运行时触发器状态”页面时更新状态,请单击REFRESH按钮。要在查看“运行时触发器状态”页面时重置所有运行时统计信息,请单击MVI69-PDPMV1按钮。运行时传输列表状态要打开“运行时传输名单状态”页面,请单击“状态”选项卡,然后单击“运行时间”选项卡,再单击“传输列表”选项卡。运行时传输清单状态页面包含一个表,显示扫描程序中定义的所有传输清单以及每个传输清单的信息。MVI69-PDPMV1有关每个转移列表的信息包括以下内容。

详细信息描述驱动程序或设备中发生的最后一个错误的字符串。当错误消失时,这不会被清除。运行时触发器状态要打开“运行时触发器”状态页面,请单击“状态”选项卡,然后单击“运行时间”选项卡,MVI69-PDPMV1单击“触发器”选项卡。“运行时触发状态”页面包含一个表,其中显示扫描程序中定义的所有触发器以及每个触发器的信息。关于每个触发器的信息包括以下内容。参数描述计数指示触发器已触发的次数。Error指示触发器评估I/O错误的数量。只有当触发器触发时,才会记录执行(Exe)统计信息。这是从触发条件评估开始到最后一个触发传输列表完成的时间。参数描述Exe最近16次触发器执行时间的平均值(以毫秒为单位)。Exe最小触发器执行时间(以毫秒为单位)。Exe最大触发器执行时间(以毫秒为单位)周期统计信息监视触发条件求值之间的时间。如果触发器条件评估没有触发触发器,则循环时间应接近触发器轮询周期。如果触发器触发,则循环时间可能会增加,MVI69-PDPMV1 因为在传输列表执行过程中禁用了“触发器条件”评估。

Recent Error, Error History. Destination Server Provides detailed status information such as Current Error, Recent Error, Error History. To update the status while viewing the Runtime Transfer Lists Status page, click the REFRESH button. To reset all of the runtime statistics while viewing the Runtime Transfer Lists Status page, click the RESET STATISTICS button.MVI69-PDPMV1 Runtime Transfer Lists Status To open the Runtime Transfer Lists Status page, click the STATUS tab, then click the RUNTIME tab, then click the TRANSFER LISTS tab. The Runtime Transfer Lists Status page contains a table that shows all of the Transfer Lists that are defined in the scanner, along with information about each Transfer List. The information about each Transfer List includes the following. Parameter Description Count Indicates the number of times the Transfer List has completed. Error Indicates the number of Transfer List I/O errors.MVI69-PDPMV1 Exe Average Average in milliseconds of the last 16 Transfer List execution times. Exe Min Minimum Transfer List execution time in milliseconds. Exe Max Maximum Transfer List execution time in milliseconds. Size The size of the transfer in bytes. Error State Flag This is set on the first encountered error and cleared on the next successful Transfer List completion. Source Status Provides detailed status information such as Current Error,


 To reset all of the runtime statistics while viewing the Runtime Trigger Status page,MVI69-PDPMV1 click the RESET STATISTICS button. Runtime Transfer Lists Status To open the Runtime Transfer Lists Status page, click the STATUS tab, then click the RUNTIME tab, then click the TRANSFER LISTS tab. The Runtime Transfer Lists Status page contains a table that shows all of the Transfer Lists that are defined in the scanner, along with information about each Transfer List. The information about each Transfer List includes the following. Parameter Description Count Indicates the number of times the Transfer List has completed. Error Indicates the number of Transfer List I/O errors. Exe Average Average in milliseconds of the last 16 Transfer List execution times.MVI69-PDPMV1 Exe Min Minimum Transfer List execution time in milliseconds. Exe Max Maximum Transfer List execution time in milliseconds. Size The size of the transfer in bytes. Error State Flag This is set on the first encountered error and cleared on the next successful Transfer List completion.MVI69-PDPMV1 Source Status Provides detailed status information such as Current Error, 


·Cycle statistics monitor the time between trigger condition evaluations. If the trigger condition evaluation does not fire the trigger,MVI69-PDPMV1 the Cycle Time should be close to the Trigger Poll Period. If the trigger fires, the Cycle Time may increase because Trigger Condition evaluation is disabled during transfer list execution. Parameter Description Cycle Average Average in milliseconds of the last 16 Trigger cycle times. Cycle Min Minimum Trigger cycle time in milliseconds.MVI69-PDPMV1 Cycle Max Maximum Trigger cycle time in milliseconds. Error State Flag This is set on the first encountered error and cleared on the next successful Transfer List completion. Compare Tag 1 Provides detailed status information such as Error Count, Recent Error, and Error History. Compare Tag 2 Provides detailed status information such as Error Count, Recent Error,MVI69-PDPMV1 and Error History. To update the status while viewing the Runtime Triggers Status page, click the REFRESH button.