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·Exe最小传输列表执行时间(以毫秒为单位)。Exe最大传输列表执行时间(以毫秒为单位)。大小传输的大小(以字节为单位)。错误状态标志这是在第一次遇到错误时设置的,并在下一次成功完成传输列表时清除。源状态提供详细的状态信息,如“当前错误”、“最近的错误”和“错误历史记录”。目标服务器提供详细的状态信息,如“当前错误”、“最近的错误”和“错误历史记录”。要在查看“运行时传输列表状态”页面时更新状态,请单击REFRESH按钮。要在查看运行时传输列表状态页面时重置所有运行时统计信息,请单击reset statistics按钮。将诊断信息从MM传输到网络接口设备内部标签(#I)提供运行时状态数据。每个用户定义的触发器、传输列表、接口和设备都将具有预定义的内部接口状态标记。统计数据将以数据结构的形式提供,这些数据结构可以在一次传输中传输到合适的UDT。统计数据也将作为单独的值提供给不支持UDT的控制器。可

参数描述计数表示传输列表已完成的次数。Error表示传输列表I/O错误的数量。Exe最近16次传输列表执行时间的平均值(以毫秒为单位)。Exe最小传输列表执行时间(以毫秒为单位)。Exe最大传输列表执行时间(以毫秒为单位)。大小传输的大小(以字节为单位)。错误状态标志这是在第一次遇到错误时设置的,并在下一次成功完成传输列表时清除。源状态提供详细的状态信息,如“当前错误”、“最近的错误”和“错误历史记录”。目标服务器提供详细的状态信息,如“当前错误”、“最近的错误”和“错误历史记录”。要在查看“运行时传输列表状态”页面时更新状态,请单击REFRESH按钮。要在查看运行时传输列表状态页面时重置所有运行时统计信息,请单击reset statistics按钮。运行时传输列表状态要打开“运行时传输名单状态”页面,请单击“状态”选项卡,然后单击“运行时间”选项卡,再单击“传输列表”选项卡。运行时传输清单状态页面包含一个表,显示扫描程序中定义的所有传输清单以及每个传输清单的信息。有关每个转移列表的信息包括以下内容。参数描述计数表示传输列表已完成的次数。Error表示传输列表I/O错误的数量。Exe最近16次传输列表执行时间的平均值(以毫秒为单位)。

ControlLogix, CompactLogix and FlexLogix to add references of tags to the module's configuration.  ·ags that match the specified filter will be loaded into the tag tree. Or, to get all Tags, leave the Tag Filter empty and press the GET TAGS button. After the Tags which match the filter are loaded into the Tag tree, select a Tag. The Name, Data Type, and Number of Elements associated with the Tag are displayed on the right hand side of the New Tag dialog box. You cannot modify any of the Tag values. 


MVI56-LTQ Restore Click the BROWSE button to select a previously saved configuration file from your computer. Click the RESTORE button to restore the module to the state saved in the configuration file. The module is rebooted after the configuration is restored. You will be prompted to confirm the configuration restore and reboot. Set Log Level Set the log level at which the scanner module will record events. § Level 1 logs errors only. This is the recommended setting for most applications. § Levels 2 through 4 log informational events in increasing detail. Use these levels for troubleshooting and support. § Level 0 logs only internal system errors. The scanner must be restarted before the new log level will take effect.MVI56-LTQ Click the REINITIALIZE button to restart the scanner. You will be prompted to confirm the reinitialize. Clear Event Logs Clears the entire Event Log from the module. This cannot be undone. 


Recent Error, Error History. Destination Server Provides detailed status information such as Current Error, Recent Error, Error History. To update the status while viewing the Runtime Transfer Lists Status page, click the REFRESH button. To reset all of the runtime statistics while viewing the Runtime Transfer Lists Status page, click the RESET STATISTICS button.Tranferring Diagnostic Information from MM to Network Interface Devices Internal Tags (#I) provide runtime status data. Every user defined Trigger, Transfer List, Interface, and Device will have predefined internal Interface status tags. The statistics will be available in data structures which may be transferred to a suitable UDT in a single transfer. The statistics will also be available as individual values for transfer to controllers that do not support UDTs. You can use the New Tag dialog box for Internal Tags,