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MVI94-GSC-E MVI94-GSC-E MVI94-GSC-E可以通过设置“级别”来筛选显示的事件。设置“级别将显示指定级别或更低级别的事件。Level永远不能设置为大于扫描仪记录事件的日志级别。可以通过按export XML按钮将事件的有序列表导出到XML文件。在检查事件日志时,如果切换到其他页面,然后切换回事件日志,事件日志将继续显示首次打开事件日志时加载的事件。这将允许您在页面之间来回切换时检查事件日志,而无需重新加载日志。RESOURCE STATUS页面显示模块上的当前资源使用情况。要打开“资源状态”页面,请单击“状态”选项卡,然后单击“资源”选项卡。资源状态使用情况包括平均CPU负载、已用内存和已用闪存。UPDATE RATE指定资源状态更新的时间(以秒为单位)。MVI94-GSC-E您可以选择5、10、15或20秒的更新速率。产品规格ILX56-MM(“工业通信消息管理器”)允许罗克韦尔自动化ControlLogix I/O兼容处理器与其他MM协议兼容设备轻松对接。6.1.1功能概述不同系统之间传输数据传输消息的主要方式是通过模块上的两个以太网端口。MVI94-GSC-E所有与西门子或施耐德电气系统之间传输的数据都必须通过其中一个以太网端口完成。还可以使用RA处理器之间通用的EtherNet/IP协议在不同的RA系统之间传输数据。


You may select an update rate of 5, 10, 15 or 20 seconds.Product Specifications The ILX56-MM ("Message Manager for Industrial Communication") allows Rockwell Automation ControlLogix I/O compatible processors to interface easily with other MM protocol compatible devices. 6.1.1 Functional Overview The primary means of transmitting data transfer messages between diverse systems is through the two Ethernet ports on the module. All data transferred to and from Siemens or Schneider Electric systems must be done via one of these Ethernet ports. Data may also be transferred between different RA systems using the EtherNet/IP protocol common among RA processors. The ILX56-MM can transfer data directly across the backplane to and from a ControlLogix PAC installed in the same chassis. This ability to communicate across the ControlLogix backplane means that the ILX56-MM can also take advantage of the "bridging" capability of certain RA communications modules and protocols.MVI94-GSC-E


 When the Level is set, only events of the specified level or lower are displayed. The LEVEL can never be set greater than the Log Level at which the scanner is recording events. You can export the ordered list of events to an XML file by pressing the EXPORT XML button MVI94-GSC-E. When examining the Event Log, if you switch to another page and then switch back to the Event Log, the Event Log will continue to display the events that were loaded when the Event Log was first opened. This will allow you to examine the Event Log while switching back and forth between pages without having the log reloaded.The RESOURCE STATUS page shows you the current resource usage on the module. To open the Resource Status page, click the STATUS tab, then click the RESOURCE tab. The Resource Status usage includes the Average (Avg) CPU Load, the Memory Used, and the Compact Flash Storage Used. The UPDATE RATE specifies the time in seconds at which the Resource Status is updated.


The Event Logs page shows you recent events that have been logged by the scanner. To open the Event Logs page, click the STATUS tab, then click the EVENT LOGS tab.MVI94-GSC-E The Event Log will display events that have been logged starting with the most recent event. Each event has level associated with it. A level of "1" means the event is an error, while levels 2" through "4" are information events of decreasing importance. The scanner will log events based on the Log Level set on the Administration/System page. A level of 0 is reserved for internal system errors. The module will not run with a level 0 error posted. The Event Log will display the most recent 100 of these events. To display the next 100 events, click the NEXT 100 button. You can continue pressing the NEXT 100 button until you have reached the last set of events.MVI94-GSC-E After pressing the Next 100 button, you can view the previous set of 100 events by pressing the PREVIOUS 100 button. To retrieve the latest event logs, click the Reload button. You can filter which events are displayed by setting the LEVEL.