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PROSOFT MVI94-MCM  I/O平台错误句柄PROSOFT MVI94-MCM  I/O平台错误句柄指定触发器进入和退出错误状态时要执行的可选传输列表。触发错误状态将由任何包含的标签访问或传输失败启动。成功完成触发器后,将清除“错误状态”。指定的错误句柄传输列表也可以使用单独的周期触发器执行,以在需要/需要时刷新数据。传输列表将包含一个或多个消息命令。列表中的每个命令都将指定完成一个数据传输事务所需的所有信息,其方式与RA梯形图逻辑中的MSG指令包含一条消息的所有信息非常相似。PROSOFT MVI94-MCM  I/O平台可以创建多个传输列表,通过将相关消息分组在一起,帮助您更好地组织通信任务。这也允许通过称为触发器或触发器事件的数据标记值的更改来控制消息组。

PROSOFT MVI94-MCM  I/O平台可以通过背板直接将数据传输到安装在同一机箱中的ControlLogix PAC,也可以从安装在该机箱中的Control Logix PAC传输数据。这种跨ControlLogix背板通信的能力意味着PROSOFT MVI94-MCM  I/O平台还可以利用某些RA通信模块和协议的“桥接”能力。6.1.2触发器触发器允许您通过链接到一个逻辑事件或一个或多个受监控标记的值的更改来控制PROSOFT MVI94-MCM  I/O平台中的消息执行。触发器可以链接到一个或多个传输列表。当触发条件为true时,关联的一个或多个传输列表将执行配置的数据传输命令。PROSOFT MVI94-MCM  I/O平台触发器允许最终用户对消息执行进行一定程度的逻辑控制。如果使用现有流程变量标记或现有条件标记作为触发标记,则正常流程执行将触发消息传输,而不需要额外的控制逻辑。有两种类型的触发器,PROSOFT MVI94-MCM  I/O平台包括ILX34_Trig和MM_Stats。这两种类型都包括Actions和Error Handle,如下屏幕所示。操作指定触发器触发时要执行的可选传输列表。

PROSOFT MVI94-MCM  I/O平台Each command in the list will specify all the information needed to complete one data transfer transaction,MVI94-MCM, in much the same way as a MSG instruction in RA ladder logic would contain all the information for one message. Multiple Transfer Lists may be created to help you better organize your communications tasks by allowing related messages to be grouped together. This also allows groups of messages to be controlled by changes of data tag values, called Triggers or trigger events. 


Error Handle ILX56-MM Error Handle specifies an optional Transfer List to execute when the Trigger enters and exits the Error State. The Trigger Error State will be initiated by any contained Tag Access or transfer failure. The Error State will be cleared on a successful trigger completion. The specified Error Handle Transfer List can also be executed with a separate PeriodicMVI94-MCM, Trigger to refresh the data if desired/required.A Transfer List will contain one or more message commands.


Triggers Triggers allow you to control message execution in the ILX56-MM by linking to a logical event or the change of value of a monitored tag or tags. A Trigger may be linked to one or more Transfer Lists. When the trigger conditions are true, the associated Transfer List or Lists will execute the configured data transfer commands.Triggers allows end-users a measure of logic control over message execution. If existing process variable tags or existing conditional tags are used as trigger tags, normal process execution will trigger message transfers with no additional control logic needed.MVI94-MCM, There are two types of triggers consisting of ILX34_Trig, and MM_Stats. Both types include Actions and Error Handle as seen in the following screen.Actions specify an optional Transfer List to execute when the Trigger is fired.