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MVI94-MCM-MHI示例:ab_c将只与名为ab_c的标记匹配?标记名称或用户定义的类型成员名称中的任何单个字符都将与此字符匹配。示例:ab?de将匹配任何以ab开头、后跟一个字符、后跟de的标签。abcde和abbde都将匹配此过滤器。abccde与此筛选器不匹配。*标记名称或用户定义的类型成员名称中的任意字符数都将与此字符匹配。示例:MVI94-MCM-MHI将匹配任何属于用户定义类型的标记或任何包含“.”的标记在标签名称中。abc*将匹配任何以abc开头的标签。注意:通配符“*”仅在标记名或用户定义的类型成员名中匹配。因此,abc*abc将只匹配以abc开头和以abc结尾的标签。abc*abc将不匹配以abc开头且结构成员以abc结尾的标记。标记名称中的字符必须与“”匹配。“字符,MVI94-MCM-MHI或者标记必须是用户定义类型,并且必须在用户定义类型的成员中找到以下字符。示例:Program:MainProgram.myTag将仅与Logix MainProgram中名为myTag的标记匹配。myStruct.abc将仅与用户定义类型名为myStruct的标记的成员abc匹配。注意:如果“.”字符开始标记筛选器或“”。“字符彼此相邻或直接与数组索引相邻,假定'.'由通配符搜索分隔。

数据传输消息是在ILX56-MM中使用传输列表和触发器创建和控制的。传输列表确定要通过消息管理器在各种网络上的可编程控制器之间传输的值。在大多数情况下,这种消息传递是根据传输列表中包含的消息配置自动进行的。消息管理器通过使用ControlLogix PAC的控制器标签数据库将数据传输到ControlLogix PACs和从ControlLogix PACs传输数据。MVI94-MCM-MHI控制器标记是ControlLogix处理器内存数据库中的单个数据对象或对象阵列。标记必须在RSLogix5000项目中创建并下载到ControlLogix PAC,然后才能在消息管理器传输列表中使用。6.1.5桥接桥接是指一些处理器和通信模块能够使用不同的网络协议将数据传输消息从一个网络协议直接传递到不同网络上的设备,并将所请求的数据从响应设备返回请求设备。消息管理器支持的网桥包括1756 EtherNet/IP网桥、1756 ControlNet网桥、1756DH485网桥和1756DHRIO网桥。MVI94-MCM-MHI基于web浏览器的配置编辑器允许您轻松连接到模块并对其进行配置。只需在浏览器地址框中输入模块的IP或DNS名称即可调出配置网页。MVI94-MCM-MHI字符筛选器意味着0到9、a到z、a到z、:、/、_标记名称或用户定义的类型成员名称中的字符必须与该字符完全匹配。

character exactly, or the tag must be of user defined type and the following characters must be found in a member of the user defined type.MVI94-MCM-MHI Examples: Program:MainProgram.myTag will only match a tag in the Logix MainProgram named myTag. will only match the member named abc of the tag named myStruct of user defined type. Note: If a '." character begins the Tag Filter or '." characters are adjacent to each other or directly adjacent to an array index, the '.' are assumed to be separated by wildcard searches. Examples: .abc* will match any tag of user defined type that has a member that begins with the characters abc or any tag with a name that contains .abc.MVI94-MCM-MHI This is the equivalent of *.abc*.* will match any tag of user defined type that has a member of user defined type that has a member that begins with abc or any tag of user defined type whose name contains a '.'MVI94-MCM-MHI and has a member that begins with abc. This is the equivalent of *.*.abc*. 


Just enter the IP or DNS name of the module in the browser address box to bring up the configuration web pages.Character Filter Meaning 0 to 9, a to z, A to Z, :, /, _ The character in the tag name or user defined type member name must match the character exactly. Example: ab_c will match only a tag named ab_c. ? Any single character in the tag name or user defined type member name will match this character.MVI94-MCM-MHI Example: ab?de will match any tags that start with ab, followed by a single character, followed by de. abcde and abbde would both match this filter. abccde would not match this filter. * Any number of characters in the tag name or user defined type member name will match this character. Examples: *.* will match any tags that are tags of user defined type or any tags that contain a '.'MVI94-MCM-MHI in the tag name. abc* will match any tags that start with abc. Note: The '*' wildcard is only matched within a tag name or user defined type member name. Thus, abc*abc will only match tags that begin with abc and end with abc. abc*abc will not match tags that start with abc and have a structure member that ends with abc.MVI94-MCM-MHI . A character in the tag name must match the '." 


ata transfer messages are created and controlled in the ILX56-MM using Transfer Lists and Triggers. Transfer Lists determine what values are to be transferred through the Message Manager between programmable controllers on the various networks. For the most part, this messaging happens automatically, based on the message configurations contained in the Transfer Lists. The Message Manager transfers data to and from ControlLogix PACs by using their Controller Tag database.MVI94-MCM-MHI Controller Tags are individual data objects or object arrays in the ControlLogix processor memory database. Tags must be created in the RSLogix5000 project and downloaded to the ControlLogix PAC before they may be used in a Message Manager Transfer List. 6.1.5 Bridging Bridging refers to the ability of some processors and communications modules to directly pass data transfer messages from one network protocol to devices on a different network using a different network protocol and return the requested data from the responding device back the requesting device. Bridges supported by the Message Manager include the 1756 EtherNet/IP bridges,MVI94-MCM-MHI the 1756 ControlNet bridges, the 1756 DH485 bridge, and the 1756 DHRIO bridge.A web browser-based Configuration Editor allows you to easily connect to and configure the module.