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PLX31-EIP-MBS4示例:源转换BOOL直接分配。INT8、UINT8、CHAR、BYTE、INT16、UINT16、WORD、INT32、UINT32、DWORD、INT64、UINT64或QWORD如果源数据值为零,则目标数据值将设置为零。如果源数据值为非零,则目标数据值将设置为1。FLOAT32或FLOAT64源值四舍五入到最接近的INT64值,并应用上述INT64到BOOL的转换规则。STRING字符串被转换为INT64,并根据上述INT64到BOOL的转换规则进行移动。如果字符串无法转换为INT64(无效字符、溢出等),则转换错误将导致6.3.2 INT8、UINT8、CHAR或BYTE Source conversion BOOL源值0或1被分配给目标。INT8、UINT8、CHAR或BYTE直接分配。如果source是无符号的PLX31-EIP-MBS4(UINT8、CHAR或BYTE),dest是有符号的(INT8),则可能导致值更改(例如255到-1)。如果source是有符号的,PLX31-EIP-MBS4是无符号的,则可能会导致值更改(例如-2到254)。INT16、UINT16、WORD、INT32、UINT32、DWORD、INT64、UINT64或QWORD丢弃最高有效源数据字节(可能丢失数据)。最低有效的源数据字节被复制到目标。FLOAT32或FLOAT64源值四舍五入到最接近的INT64值,并应用上述INT64到8位INT转换规则。如果四舍五入的源值不适合INT64,则将导致转换错误。字符串将字符串转换为INT64,并根据上述INT64到8位INT转换规则进行移动。如果字符串无法转换为INT64(无效字符、溢出等),将导致转换错误。6.3.3 INT16、UINT16或WORD源转换BOOL将源值0或1分配给目的地。INT8、UINT8、CHAR或BYTE将源数据值分配给目标(适当时使用扩展符号)。INT16、UINT16或WORD将源值直接复制到目标,可能会导致有符号/无符号值更改(例如,-1到65535或65535到-1)。INT32、UINT32、DWORD、INT64、UINT64或QWORD丢弃最有效的源数据PLX31-EIP-MBS4(可能丢失数据)。最不重要的源数据WORD被直接复制到目的地。

.abc*将匹配任何成员以字符abc开头的用户定义类型的标记,PLX31-EIP-MBS4或任何名称包含.abc的标记。这相当于*.abc*…abc*将匹配任何成员为用户d的用户定义型标记具有以abc开头的成员或任何名称包含“.”的用户定义类型标记的定义类型并且有一个以abc开头的成员。这相当于*.*.abc*..[]将匹配任何具有数组成员的用户定义类型的标记。这相当于*.*[*].[后跟]表示从数组标记中选择一个或多个元素。示例:array1[0]将与作为数组的名为array1的标记的元素0匹配。array1[4-6]将匹配作为数组的名为array1的标记的元素4、5和6。marray1[1,2,1-3]将匹配元素1、2和3,其中第一维度是1,第二维度是3维数组的名为marray1的标签的2。marray1[*,1-2]将匹配作为二维数组的名为marray1的标签的所有第一维度的元素1和2。[]将匹配作为数组的任何标记。这相当于[*]。.[]将匹配任何具有数组成员的用户定义类型的标记。这相当于*.*[*].[后跟]表示从数组标记中选择一个或多个元素。示例:array1[0]将与作为数组的名为array1的标记的元素0匹配。PLX31-EIP-MBS4[4-6]将匹配作为数组的名为array1的标记的元素4、5和6。marray1[1,2,1-3]将匹配元素1、2和3,其中第一维度是1 PLX31-EIP-MBS4,第二维度是3维数组的名为marray1的标签的2。marray1[*,1-2]将匹配作为二维数组的名为marray1的标签的所有第一维度的元素1和2。[]将匹配作为数组的任何标记。这相当于[*]。

The least significant source data byte is copied to the destination.PLX31-EIP-MBS4 FLOAT32 or FLOAT64 The source value is rounded to the nearest INT64 value and the above INT64 to 8 bit INT conversion rule applied. If the rounded source value will not fit in an INT64 a conversion error will result. STRING The string is converted to INT64 and moved according to the above INT64 to 8 bit INT conversion rule. If the string could not be converted to INT64 (invalid chars, overflow, and so on) a conversion error will result. 6.3.3 INT16, UINT16, or WORD Source Conversion BOOL The source value of zero or one is assigned to the destination. INT8, UINT8, CHAR, or BYTE The source data value is assigned to the destination (sign extend where appropriate). INT16, UINT16, or WORD The source value is copied directly to the destination possibly resulting in a signed/unsigned value change (-1 to 65535 or 65535 to -1 for example). INT32,PLX31-EIP-MBS4 UINT32, DWORD, INT64, UINT64, or QWORD The most significant source data WORD(s) are discarded (possible data loss).


FLOAT32 or FLOAT64 The source value is rounded to the nearest INT64 value and the above INT64 to BOOL conversion rule applied.PLX31-EIP-MBS4 STRING The string is converted to INT64 and moved according to the above INT64 to BOOL conversion rule. If the string could not be converted to INT64 (invalid chars, overflow, and so on), a conversion error will result 6.3.2 INT8, UINT8, CHAR, or BYTE Source Conversion BOOL The source value of zero or one is assigned to the destination. INT8,PLX31-EIP-MBS4 UINT8, CHAR, or BYTE Direct assignment. If source is unsigned (UINT8, CHAR, or BYTE) and dest is signed (INT8) a value change may result (255 to -1 for example). If source is signed and dest is unsigned a value change may result (-2 to 254 for example). INT16, UINT16, WORD, INT32, UINT32, DWORD, INT64,PLX31-EIP-MBS4 UINT64, or QWORD The most significant source data byte(s) are discarded (possible data loss).


 will match any tag of user defined type that has a member that is an array. This is the equivalent of *.*[*]. [ followed by ] Indicates a selection of one or more elements from a tag that is an array. Examples: array1[0] will match the element 0 of the tag named array1 that is an array. array1[4-6] will match elements 4,PLX31-EIP-MBS4 5, and 6 of the tag named array1 that is an array. marray1[1,2,1-3] will match elements 1, 2, and 3 where the 1st dimension is 1, and the 2nd dimension is 2 of the tag named marray1 that is a 3 dimensional array. marray1[*,1-2] will match elements 1 and 2 of all the 1st dimensions of the tag named marray1 that is a 2 dimensional array. [ ] will match any tag that is an array.PLX31-EIP-MBS4 This is the equivalent of [*].Source Conversion BOOL Direct Assignment. INT8, UINT8, CHAR, BYTE, INT16, UINT16, WORD, INT32, UINT32, DWORD, INT64, UINT64, or QWORD If the source data value is zero, the destination data value will be set to zero. If the source data value is nonzero, the destination data value will be set to one.