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字符串源转换BOOL将0或1的源值转换为ASCII并复制到目的地。如果目标字符串太小,将导致转换错误。PLX32-EIP-SIE将源数据值转换为INT64(根据上述INT到INT64的转换规则),转换为ASCII,并复制到目的地。如果目标字符串太小,将导致转换错误。FLOAT32或FLOAT64源数据值被转换为尽可能短的字符串(可能有指数)并复制到目标。如果目标字符串太小,将导致转换错误。PLX32-EIP-SIE如果源字符串太长,无法放入目标字符串数据缓冲区,则该字符串将被截断。该模块包括用于检测和分析在控制器之间传输数据期间发生的错误和事件的工具。活动错误列表显示模块中已发生但尚未清除的所有错误。事件日志显示模块中最近发生的2000个错误和事件。事件日志中的错误和事件从最近的错误/事件开始显示。当模块中发生错误时,该错误会记录到事件日志中,并显示在活动错误列表中。当模块中发生警告或信息性事件时,该事件会记录到事件日志中。模块错误和事件分为以下类别。· PLX32-EIP-SIE· 级别1可清除级别1:可清除的错误(第77页)· 2级2级:警告(第78页)

源转换BOOL将源值0或1分配给目标。IPLX32-EIP-SIE将源数据值分配给目标,可能导致精度损失。FLOAT32直接分配。FLOAT64如果源val<-3.4e38或源val>3.4e38,将导致转换溢出错误。否则,源值将被指定给目标,但会丢失精度。PLX32-EIP-SIE字符串(可能有指数)转换为FLOAT32。如果字符串无法转换为FLOAT32(无效字符、溢出等),则会导致转换错误。6.3.7 Float64 Source Conversion BOOL将源值0或1分配给目标。INT8、UINT8、CHAR、BYTE、INT16、UINT16、WORD、INT32、UINT32、DWORD、INT64、UINT64或QWORD将源数据值分配给目标,可能导致精度损失。FLOAT32将源数据值分配给目标。FLOAT64直接分配。STRING字符串(可能有指数)转换为PLX32-EIP-SIE。如果字符串无法转换为FLOAT64(无效字符、溢出等),则会导致转换错误。

PLX32-EIP-SIE The Active Error List displays all errors that have occurred in the module, and have not yet been cleared. The Event Log displays the last 2000 errors and events that have occurred in the module. The errors and events in the Event Log are displayed starting with the most recent errors/events. When an error occurs in the module, the error is logged to the event log and displayed in the Active Error List. When a warning or informational event occurs in the module, the event is logged to the Event Log. Module errors and events are grouped in the following categories. · Level 0 Permanent Level 0: Permanent Errors (page 77) · Level 1 Clearable Level 1: Clearable Errors (page 77) · Level 2 Level 2: Warnings (page 78) ·PLX32-EIP-SIE Level 3 Informational Level 3: Informational Events (page 78) · Level 4 Verbose Informational Level 4 Verbose Informational Events (page 78) 6.4.1 Level 0: Permanent Errors These errors are reserved for serious conditions, such as configuration load Failure or internal system errors. PLX32-EIP-SIE


If the string could not be converted to a FLOAT64 (invalid chars, overflow, and so on) a conversion error will result. 6.3.8 String Source Conversion BOOL The source value of zero or one is converted to ASCII and copied to the destination. If the destination string is too small, a conversion error will result. INT8, UINT8, CHAR, BYTE, INT16, UINT16, WORD, INT32, UINT32, DWORD, INT64, UINT64, or QWORD The source data value is converted to INT64 (according to the above INT to INT64 conversion rules), converted to ASCII, and copied to the destination. If the destination string is too small,PLX32-EIP-SIE a conversion error will result. FLOAT32 or FLOAT64 The source data value is converted to shortest possible string (with possible exponent) and copied to the destination. If the destination string is too small, a conversion error will result. STRING If the source string is too long to fit in the destination string data buffer, the string will be truncated.The module includes tools for detecting and analyzing errors and events that have occurred during the transfer of data between controllers.PLX32-EIP-SIE


Source Conversion BOOL The source value of zero or one is assigned to the destination. INT8, UINT8, CHAR, BYTE, INT16, UINT16, WORD, INT32, UINT32, DWORD, INT64, UINT64, or QWORD The source data value is assigned to the destination possibly resulting in a loss of precision. FLOAT32 Direct Assignment. FLOAT64 If source val < -3.4e38 or source val > 3.4e38 a conversion overflow error will result. Otherwise, the source value will be assigned to the destination with a loss of precision.PLX32-EIP-SIE STRING The string (with possible exponent) is converted to FLOAT32. If the string could not be converted to a FLOAT32 (invalid chars, overflow, and so on) a conversion error will result. 6.3.7 Float64 Source Conversion BOOL The source value of zero or one is assigned to the destination. INT8, UINT8, CHAR, BYTE, INT16, UINT16, WORD, INT32, UINT32, DWORD, INT64, UINT64, or QWORD The source data value is assigned to the destination possibly resulting in a loss of precision. FLOAT32 The source data value is assigned to the destination. FLOAT64 Direct assignment.PLX32-EIP-SIE STRING The string (with possible exponent) is converted to FLOAT64.PLX32-EIP-SIE