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PLX82-EIP-PNC可清除错误可清除错误记录在事件日志中。它们在活动错误列表中保留20秒,直到导致错误的条件被清除(例如重试后成功传输),或者直到扫描仪模式从停止或空闲模式更改为运行模式。可清除的错误包括触发器评估错误、传输列表执行错误、时间同步源错误和时间同步目标错误。· 触发器评估错误包括数据读取错误、数据写入错误和评估溢出错误。如果发生触发器评估错误,触发器将被禁用5秒钟,然后在触发器的后续扫描过程中重试。· 传输列表执行错误包括:数据读取错误、数据写入错误和数据转换错误。可以使用以下错误处理选项配置传输列表。参数描述任何传输错误时中止中止传输列表。Continue中止生成错误的传输,但继续执行传输列表。重试(默认值)重试生成错误的传输,直到成功为止。时间同步错误不接受任何特殊处理。PLX82-EIP-PNC指定的时间同步源或目标将在下一个计划的时间同步期间重试。此级别的事件是扫描程序中的严重警告,应进行调查以确定其原因。这些事件会记录到事件日志中,但不会出现在活动错误列表中。2级警告的一个示例是“配置服务器客户端连接意外终止”。PLX82-EIP-PNC:信息事件该级别的事件是扫描仪中发生的重要事件。

3级信息第3级:信息事件(第78页)·PLX82-EIP-PNC 第4级详细信息第4级详尽信息事件(第78页)6.4.1第0级:永久错误这些错误是为严重情况保留的,如配置负载故障或内部系统错误。永久性错误记录在事件日志中,并显示在活动错误列表中。在重新加载配置文件或将扫描仪模式从停止或空闲模式更改为运行模式之前,不会从活动错误列表中清除永久错误。6.4.2级别1:可清除错误可清除错误记录在事件日志中。它们在活动错误列表中保留20秒,直到导致错误的条件被清除(例如重试后成功传输),或者直到扫描仪模式从停止或空闲模式更改为运行模式。可清除的错误包括触发器评估错误、传输列表执行错误、时间同步源错误和时间同步目标错误。· 触发器评估错误包括数据读取错误、数据写入错误和评估溢出错误。如果发生触发器评估错误,触发器将被禁用5秒钟,然后在触发器的后续扫描过程中重试。· 传输列表执行错误包括:数据读取错误、数据写入错误和数据转换错误。可以使用以下错误处理选项配置传输列表。参数描述任何传输错误时中止中止传输列表。Continue中止生成错误的传输,但继续执行传输列表。重试(默认值)重试生成错误的传输,PLX82-EIP-PNC直到成功为止。时间同步错误不接受任何特殊处理。指定的时间同步源或目标将在下一个计划的时间同步期间重试。永久性错误记录在事件日志中,并显示在活动错误列表中。在重新加载配置文件或将扫描仪模式从停止或空闲模式更改为运行模式之前,不会从活动错误列表中清除永久错误。

 Level 4 Verbose Informational Events Events at this level are less significant events that have occurred in the scanner. These events are logged to the Event Log, but do not appear in the Active Error List. An example of a Level 4 Verbose Informational Event is "Configuration Server Client Connection Established/Terminated Normally". See also Event Logs (page 64), Active Errors, and Set Log Level. 6.4.6 Operation of Transfer Status When an error occurs: · The Error Code will be transferred to the desired destination tag selected to contain the "Transfer Error Code". · The Error Count will be incremented and transferred to its desired destination tag. · When the condition that caused the error is corrected, and the transfer completes successfully, an error code of zero will be transferred to the destination tag selected for the :Transfer Error Code", and the previous error code will be overwritten. ·PLX82-EIP-PNCIf the condition is not cleared prior to another transfer attempt and the error reoccurs, the error code will once again be transferred and the error count will be incremented and transferred. · If the latest error detected is different from the previous error, the new error code will overwrite the previous error code. o Occurrences of errors will be influenced by the selected "On Transfer Technique" for a particular transfer list.


Transfer List execution errors include: data read errors, data write errors and data conversion errors. Transfer Lists can be configured with the following error handling options. Parameter Description Abort Abort Transfer List on any Transfer error. Continue Abort the Transfer that generated the error, but continue Transfer List execution. Retry (default) Retry the Transfer that generated the error until it succeeds. Time Sync errors do not receive any special handling. The specified Time Sync source or destination will be retried during the next scheduled Time Sync period.Events at this level are serious warnings in the scanner that should be investigated to determine their cause. These events are logged to the Event Log, but do not appear in the Active Error List. An example of a Level 2 Warning is "Configuration Server Client Connection Terminated Unexpectedly". 6.4.4 Level 3: Informational Events Events at this level are significant events that have occurred in the scanner. These events are logged to the Event Log, but do not appear in the Active Error List. Three examples of Level 3 Informational Events are: ·PLX82-EIP-PNC "Scanner Startup/Shutdown" · "Scanner Mode Change Requests" · "Service Thread Start/Stop"


Permanent errors are logged in the Event Log and displayed in the Active Error List. Permanent errors will not be cleared from the Active Error List until the configuration file is reloaded or the scanner mode is changed from Stop or Idle mode to Run mode. 6.4.2 Level 1: Clearable Errors Clearable errors are logged in the Event Log. They remain in the Active Error List for 20 seconds, until the condition that caused the error is cleared (such as a successful transfer after a retry), or until the scanner mode is changed from Stop or Idle mode to Run mode. Clearable errors include Trigger evaluation errors, Transfer List execution errors, Time Sync source errors, and Time Sync destination errors. · Trigger evaluation errors include data read errors, data write errors and evaluation overflow errors. If a Trigger evaluation error occurs, the Trigger will be disabled for 5 seconds and then retried during a subsequent scan of the Trigger.