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PTQ-PDPMV1,如果选择“重试”技术,则会重复导致错误的传输,直到传输成功。传输列表中的后续传输将不会执行,并且不会通知其中的任何错误。o如果选择了“继续”技术,则将尝试传输列表中的每次传输,并通知任何错误。o如果选择了“中止”技术,则会通知产生错误的传输,但不会执行传输列表的其余部分。错误消息具有以下通用格式:ErrorCodeString ContextString其中:· ErrorCodeString=直接从错误代码派生的文本字符串。例如,扫描仪错误代码804h=“超时”。· ContextString=上下文描述。例如,如果在读取触发器比较标签#1时发生错误:· ContextString=“正在读取cmpVal 1(TagPath),trig TrigName”,其中:· TagPath=配置定义的设备路径和标签名称,例如EnetBridge\PLC5\N7:1。· TriggerName=配置定义的触发器名称。1h-1FFh范围内的错误代码属于一般驱动程序错误。201h-7FFh中的代码是驱动程序特定的错误(多于一个的驱动程序可能具有错误201h)。801h1FFFh中的代码是扫描仪错误。本文件中未具体列出的错误可能需要工程干预来确定原因(内部错误、程序错误或意外/罕见的通信错误)。如果选择“重试”技术,则会重复导致错误的传输,PTQ-PDPMV1,直到传输成功。传输列表中的后续传输将不会执行,并且不会通知其中的任何错误。

级别1:PTQ-PDPMV1,这些事件会记录到事件日志中,但不会出现在活动错误列表中。三级信息事件的三个例子是:· “扫描仪启动/关闭”· “扫描仪模式更改请求”· “服务线程启动/停止”6.4.5级别4详细信息事件此级别的事件是扫描仪中发生的不太重要的事件。这些事件会记录到事件日志中,但不会出现在活动错误列表中。4级详细信息事件的一个示例是“配置服务器客户端连接正常建立/终止”。另请参阅事件日志(第64页)、活动错误和设置日志级别。6.4.6传输状态的操作当发生错误时:· 错误代码将被传输到所选的包含“传输错误代码”的所需目标标记。· 错误计数将递增并传输到所需的目标标记。· 当导致错误的条件得到纠正,并且传输成功完成时,零错误代码将传输到为“传输错误代码”选择的目标标记,并且将覆盖以前的错误代码。· 如果在另一次传输尝试之前未清除该条件,并且错误再次出现,PTQ-PDPMV1,则将再次传输错误代码,并增加和传输错误计数。· 如果检测到的最新错误与以前的错误不同,则新的错误代码将覆盖以前的错误代码。o错误的发生将受到特定转移列表所选“转移时技术”的影响。

 “reading cmpVal 2 (TagPath), trig TrigName” TagPath = Full path to tag (EnetBridge\PLC5\N7:1 for example). TrigName = Configured trigger name. ·PTQ-PDPMV1, "evaluating compare values, trigger TrigName" TrigName = Configured trigger name. Note: This is normally associated with data compare errors (850h or 851h). · “xferlist TransferListName, seq SequenceNumber” TransferListName = Configured transfer list name. SequenceNumber = Configured transfer list sequence number. Note: This is normally associated with data conversion errors (852h or 853h). · “reading TagPath, xferList TransferListName, seq SequenceNumber” TagPath = Full path to tag (EnetBridge\PLC5\N7:1 for example). TransferListName = Configured transfer list name. SequenceNumber = Configured transfer list sequence number. Note: This is posted as a result of a transfer source read error. PTQ-PDPMV1,·


· TriggerName = Configuration defined trigger name.PTQ-PDPMV1, Error codes in the 1h-1FFh range are generic driver errors. Codes in the 201h-7FFh are driver specific errors (more than one driver may have an error 201h). Codes in the 801h1FFFh are scanner errors. Errors not specifically listed in this document will likely require engineering intervention to determine the cause (internal error, program bug, or unexpected/rare communications error).As you can see, the actual transfer mechanism in the ILX56-MM is far removed from the messaging layer. Therefore, many of the errors pertain to the scanner, driver, and Application Programming Interface (API). If the error count value is not cleared, then the count will rollover to zero when it reaches the decimal value of 65535 and must be incremented again. The "Transfer Error Count" will NOT necessarily correlate with the error counts shown on the "Status-Runtime-Transfer Lists" page. If status data transfer fails, it will be logged into the event log· “reading cmpVal 1 (TagPath), trig TrigName”PTQ-PDPMV1, TagPath = Full path to tag (EnetBridge\PLC5\N7:1 for example). TrigName = Configured trigger name. 


  If the "Retry" technique is selected,PTQ-PDPMV1, the transfer causing the error will be repeated until the transfer is successful. Subsequent transfers in the transfer list will not be executed and any errors in them will not be annunciated. o If the "Continue" technique is selected, then each transfer in the transfer list will be attempted and any errors will be annunciated. o If the "Abort" technique is selected, the transfer that generated the error will be annunciated but the remainder of the transfer list will not be executed.Error messages have the following general format: ErrorCodeString ContextString Where: · ErrorCodeString = Text string derived directly from an error code. For example, scanner error code 804h = “timeout”. PTQ-PDPMV1,· ContextString = Context description. For example, if an error occurs while reading trigger compare tag #1: · ContextString = “reading cmpVal 1 (TagPath), trig TrigName”, where: · TagPath = Configuration defined device path and tag name, EnetBridge\PLC5\N7:1 for example. PTQ-PDPMV1,