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如果状态数据传输失败,它将被记录到事件日志中· “reading cmpVal 1(TagPath),trig TrigName”TagPath=标记的完整路径(例如EnetBridge\PLC5\N7:1)。TrigName=已配置的触发器名称。· “reading cmpVal 2(TagPath),trig TrigName”TagPath=标记的完整路径(例如EnetBridge\PLC5\N7:1)。TrigName=已配置的触发器名称。PTQ-PDPS· “正在评估比较值,trigger TrigName”TrigName=已配置的触发器名称。注:这通常与数据比较错误(850小时或851小时)有关。· “xferlist TransferListName,seq SequenceNumber”TransferListName=已配置的传输列表名称。SequenceNumber=配置的传输列表序列号。注:这通常与数据转换错误(852h或853h)有关。· “reading TagPath,xferList TransferListName,seq SequenceNumber”TagPath=标记的完整路径(例如EnetBridge\PLC5\N7:1)。TransferListName=已配置的传输列表名称。SequenceNumber=配置的传输列表序列号。注意:这是由于传输源读取错误而发布的。· “writing TagPath,xferList TransferListName,seq SequenceNumber”TagPath=标记的完整路径(例如EnetBridge\PLC5\N7:1)。PTQ-PDPS=已配置的传输列表名称。SequenceNumber=配置的传输列表序列号。注意:这是由于传输目的地写入错误而导致的。6.4.8清除错误计数传输状态错误计数可通过两种方式共同清除:1机组重新启动。2“状态运行时传输列表”页面上将提供一个清除传输状态数据按钮,如下所示。“writing TagPath,xferList TransferListName,seq SequenceNumber”TagPath=标记的完整路径(例如EnetBridge\PLC5\N7:1)。PTQ-PDPS=已配置的传输列表名称。SequenceNumber=配置的传输列表序列号。

如果选择了“继续”技术,则将尝试传输列表中的每次传输,并通知任何错误。o如果选择了“中止”技术,则会通知产生错误的传输,但不会执行传输列表的其余部分。错误消息具有以下通用格式:ErrorCodeString ContextString其中:· ErrorCodeString=直接从错误代码派生的文本字符串。例如,扫描仪错误代码804h=“超时”。PTQ-PDPS· ContextString=上下文描述。例如,如果在读取触发器比较标签#1时发生错误:· ContextString=“正在读取cmpVal 1(TagPath),trig TrigName”,其中:· TagPath=配置定义的设备路径和标签名称,例如EnetBridge\PLC5\N7:1。· TriggerName=配置定义的触发器名称。1h-1FFh范围内的错误代码属于一般驱动程序错误。201h-7FFh中的代码是驱动程序特定的错误(多于一个的驱动程序可能具有错误201h)。801h1FFFh中的代码是扫描仪错误。本文件中未具体列出的错误可能需要工程干预来确定原因(内部错误、程序错误或意外/罕见的通信错误)。PTQ-PDPS正如您所看到的,ILX56-MM中的实际传输机制与消息传递层相距甚远。因此,许多错误与扫描仪、驱动程序和应用程序编程接口(API)有关。如果未清除错误计数值,则当计数达到十进制值65535时,计数将翻转为零,并且必须再次递增。“传输错误计数”不一定与“状态运行时传输列表”页面上显示的错误计数相关。

Supported systems include: PTQ-PDPS Rockwell Automation (RA) ControlLogix (CLX) Programmable Automation Controller (PAC) systems ƒ RA CompactLogix™ (CPLX) PAC systems ƒ Allen-Bradley® (A-B) PLC5® systems ƒ A-B SLC™ systems ƒ A-B MicroLogix™ systems ƒ Siemens S7® systems with Industrial Ethernet communications ƒ Schneider Electric® Quantum™ PLC systems with Modbus TCP/IP communications ƒ Any devices that support Modbus TCP/IP ProtocolLearning Objectives When you have completed all the steps in this Setup Guide, you will have learned how to ƒ Understand how the sample application works PTQ-PDPS Install and Configure the ILX56-MM module ƒ Import the Add-On Instructions to the ControlLogix and CompactLogix processors (page 24) PTQ-PDPS Verify the ILX56-MM module communication status


if any 2 Module operation and any unusual behavior 3 Configuration/Debug status information 4 LED patterns 5 Details about the serial, Ethernet or Fieldbus devices interfaced to the module, if any. Note: For technical support calls within the United States,PTQ-PDPS ProSoft’s 24/7 after-hours phone support is available for urgent plant-down issues. Detailed contact information for all our worldwide locations is available on the following page.For complete details regarding ProSoft Technology’s TERMS & CONDITIONS OF SALE, WARRANTY, SUPPORT, SERVICE AND RETURN MATERIAL AUTHORIZATION INSTRUCTIONS, please see the documents at:gy PTQ-PDPS/legal Documentation is subject to change without notice.The ILX56-Message Manager is a communications interface that can be installed in a Rockwell Automation® ControlLogix®1756 chassis to provide data transfer functionality between automation systems based on a diverse range of controllers and processors.


 “writing TagPath, xferList TransferListName, seq SequenceNumber” TagPath = Full path to tag (EnetBridge\PLC5\N7:1 for example). TransferListName = Configured transfer list name. SequenceNumber = Configured transfer list sequence number. Note: This is posted as a result of a transfer destination write error. 6.4.8 Clearing the Error Counts The transfer status error counts may be cleared collectively in two ways: 1 The unit is rebooted. 2 A Clear TRANSFER STATUS DATA button will be provided on the "Status-Runtime-Transfer Lists" page as shown below.PTQ-PDPS

ProSoft Technology, Inc. is committed to providing the most efficient and effective support possible. Before calling, please gather the following information to assist in expediting this process: 1 Product Version Number 2 System architecture 3 Network details If the issue is hardware related, we will also need information regarding: 1 Module configuration and associated ladder files, PTQ-PDPS