RELANCE 0-60021-4 伺服驱动器
(1) 经常变化的数据长时间不变,且几个数据或所有数据都不变。
(2) 控制分组画面中,手动自动无法切换,或手动输入数据后,一经确认,又恢复为原来的数据,修改不过来。
(3) 趋势图画面中,几条趋势都为直线不变。
(4) 监控画面中,多个数据同时波动较大。
判断波动数据是否为工艺上相关参数,若是相关参数则通知仪表及微机人员检查,看是否某调节系统波动引起相关参数变化,同时将相关调节系统打到手动状态,必 要时到现场进行调节。如水溶液全循环装置中,尿素合成塔压力正常时为l9.67MPa,如果突然大范围波动,此时势必引起下游的中压系统、低压系统压力波 动,这种情况是由于几个相关参数中某一参数波动引起其他参数变化,并不是控制系统本身故障。
DCS系统故障判别及处理方法:随着自动化水平的提高,DCS控制系统(集散控制系统)逐渐代替 了常规仪表,其优越性已被广大操作人员所接受。但发生故障时,会造成装置停车甚至事故,各种故障如何及早发现及恰当处理就显得非常重要。我公司合成氨工艺 使用多套浙大中控JX-300XDCS进行控制,控制稳定可靠,针对存在的一些问题,根据多年维护经验,我们总结出了一套行之有效的故障判别及处理方法。
The control function is complete, and the control algorithm is rich, integrating continuous control, sequential control, and batch control. It can achieve advanced control such as cascade, feedforward, decoupling, adaptive, and predictive control, and can easily add special control algorithms as needed. The composition of DCS is very flexible, which can be composed of dedicated management computer stations, operator stations, engineer stations, recording stations, on-site control stations, and data acquisition stations, as well as general servers, industrial control computers, and programmable controllers. The process control level at the bottom level is generally achieved through scattered on-site control stations, data acquisition stations, etc. to collect and control data on site, and transmitted to the production monitoring level computer through a data communication network.
A small or micro specialized computer with simple and convenient maintenance, which is easy to maintain and has a single function. When a local or specific computer malfunctions, it can be replaced online without affecting the operation of the entire system, quickly eliminating the problem.
Coordination: Various data is transmitted between workstations through communication networks, and the entire system information is shared and coordinated to complete the overall functions and optimization processing of the control system.
Flexibility is achieved through configuration software to configure software and hardware according to different process application objects, namely determining measurement and control signals and their interconnection relationships, selecting applicable control laws from the control algorithm library, and calling basic graphics from the graphics library to form various monitoring and alarm screens required, thus conveniently forming the required control system.