RELANCE 0-60028-2 静态跳闸模块

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RELANCE 0-60028-2  静态跳闸模块



  当发现多个自调系统失灵,监控画面上自调阀阀位在全开或全关位置,立即检查仪表气源压力,若气源压力小于0.4MPa,则不正常,检查气源管道有无堵塞或 漏气现象;若气源压力小于0.2MPa,立即进行紧急停车。将监控画面上的自调系统全部打到手动,将调节阀阀位调到安全位置,通知仪表工检查气源,同时到 现场进行操作,关闭调节阀两端的截止阀,用旁路阀操作。

结 论


In the control group screen, manual and automatic switching is not possible, or after manually inputting data, once confirmed, it returns to the original data and cannot be modified.

(3) In the trend chart screen, several trends remain unchanged as straight lines.

(4) In the monitoring screen, multiple data fluctuate significantly at the same time.

View data from the monitoring screen

When the following situations occur, it indicates that there is a problem with the control system. The microcomputer maintenance personnel should be notified immediately for repair, and the operator should come to the site for handling.

Frequently changing data remains unchanged for a long time, and several or all data remain unchanged.


DCS system fault diagnosis and handling methods: With the improvement of automation level, DCS control system (distributed control system) has gradually replaced conventional instruments, and its superiority has been accepted by a large number of operators. But when a malfunction occurs, it can cause the device to shut down or even cause accidents. It is very important to detect and handle various faults early and appropriately. Our company's synthetic ammonia process uses multiple sets of Zhejiang University Central Control JX-300XDCS for control, which is stable and reliable. Based on years of maintenance experience, we have summarized an effective set of fault identification and handling methods to address some of the existing problems.