RELANCE2 57C409 2通道模拟量

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RELANCE2 57C409 2通道模拟量

好DCS系统参数的记录及备份工作。详细记录78个自调系统的PID参数,及正反作用,各报警点的报警值及各连锁控制的参数等,对原有的工程数据文件进行备份工作,以备工程下装和传送时使用。 2、 对4台操作站微机进行升级安装。先利用一台DELL微机对其硬盘格式化分区,并安装windows 2000系统,对网卡和显卡等进行驱动安装,配置必要的IP地址等,在2000系统运行正常后,安装JX-300X 3.16软件,各项工作完成后,试运行几天后,各项指标均正常。对另外3台微机也做相应升级安装,并按照一台工程师站和3台操作员站进行配置。 3、 数据转换工作,利用新版V3.16软件中SCKey应用软件对备份好的DCSDATA数据文件进行转换工作,并对SCControl文件和SCX文件均进行重新编辑及转换,并做好相应的保存工作。 4、 2台控制站的升级安装。利用尿素的短停机会,将1#站的卡件包括通讯及控制芯片进行处理,将其重插后进行数据备份,参数设置,一切工作完好之后,完成对工作主控卡的相应安装。2#控制站也做相应处理工作。 5

 数据的下装和传送。先利用先前的记录参数对各自调回路的PID参数、正反作用及其它参数进行对照修改后,对编译正确后的工程数据给2个控制站进行下装,下装正确后,相应地对各操作站进行数据传送,待一切工作完成后,观察各项工作均正常。 (4)使用情况: 从10月29 日升级完成至今运行整个系统运行正常,系统稳定性差得到了提高,控制站从未出现过故障,卡件通讯工作正常,四台操作站运行均正常,未出现过死机和通讯不畅等现象,可以说整个DCS系统各项指标运行正常。 (5)项目评价: 升级前的二尿DCS系统面临着无法正常工作,整个DCS系统将瘫痪的危险,二尿系统将面临停车的局面,项目顺利完成后,直接经济效益为化肥厂节约10万余元,间接经济效益为因不升级将造成DCS系统无法工作,操作站无法使用,尿素面临着的停车的危险将被有效避免,不可小视。升级后克服了原来存在的种种问题,使系统运行稳定,另外新版本的一些新功能也为操作工操作带来方便,总之对二尿的稳产高产打下了坚实的基础。

 Pay attention to the situation where all operating stations are powered off

At this time, check if the power indicator light of the control station is normal, and if there is a fault in the card diagnosis indicator light. The red light and green light indicate that the card is working normally. If all of the above are normal, it can be determined that the control station is working normally and the self adjustment system is working normally. However, the operator cannot see the monitoring screen temporarily and cannot perform remote control operations on site. Immediately notify the microcomputer maintenance personnel to repair and go to the site for monitoring.

Pay attention to the situation where all control stations are powered off

Due to the dual power supply of all control station equipment, one UPS and one mains power supply, the probability of this situation occurring is very low.

When the control station is completely powered off, the two system alarm red lights on the monitoring screen light up, communication is interrupted, and all data is not refreshed. All self regulating systems are completely out of control, and the regulating valve will return to its initial state. The air opening valve will be fully closed, and the air closing valve will be fully open. At this time, emergency handling or parking should be carried out immediately, and the operation should be carried out on-site at the same time.


 Observe the power outage situation of the operation station

If some operation stations suddenly do not display, it indicates that the UPS or mains power is cut off, and the microcomputer maintenance worker is immediately notified for repair. If the operating station with electricity can monitor normally, it will not affect the normal adjustment of the control system.